Marks On The Soul

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Cheater,leaver, cold blooded beater. Lover,mover, just wanna be closer.

Years of romance novels. Trial and error. I have learned love has thorns. Good and bad they leave their burns. Some loved leave venom in their wounds 🖤. Some leave heat to melt the cold ❤️. Some teach you your very worse side 🧡.

First love,taught me how to cry in the shadows.🖤

Second love, taught me how to be a yoyo.
Hurt and forget.🖤

Third Love, Taught me what it was like to love someone you can't have.❤️

Fourth love,Taught me control is scary🧡

Fifth love, Taught me all good things that come in threes come back.❤️

Six love, Taught me what it means to be adored and alone.🧡

Seventh Love, Taught me how to be to stubborn for anyone's good.🧡

Eighth Love, Taught me my soulmates Three charms.❤️

Nine love, Taught me even the "Loyalest" grow bored sometimes.🖤

Tenth Love, Taught me not all things that are different are good.🖤

Eleventh Love, Taught me there is so much as to much.🖤

Twelveth Love, Taught me that sometimes there is no Third time, but there can still be "I Love You"❤️

Thirteenth Love,Taught me addiction kills attraction.🖤

Forthteenth Love, Is teaching me it's okay to be just okay.❤️

My recent ex told me I needed to learn to say I  am wrong. I know my flaws,I know where I went wrong. The problem is I was taught that love will never go right. Not until I have enough scars bonding my heart.

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