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When you have no trust left in the world.
its a myrical to truly feel happy anymore.
so when that one person shows up.
he reaches out and gives you his love.
shows you in every way he can to prove his loyalty.
feels no shame in answering a question.
given in every way his unshakeable trust.

she couldnt deny his attempts.
he was winning her heart.
how long could she possibly hold onto
the fear that crippled her heart.
she told herself that trusting would get her hurt.
she put up a fight like no other.
but in the end her heart knew what her brain would not admit.

she loved him.
his laugh skipped her heart.
his voice made her feel safe.
his energy made her feel secure.
his honesty made her believe again.
all she had left to do was just give in.
surrender to the pull her heart felt.
give him all of herself to him.

in doing so she felt it.
the honest love and affection.
what she has always craved.
her trust in the world had been restored.
surrendering her heart and soul to him.
she put herself out on a limb. and she happily relied on him .
to catch her if she falls.

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