The Rule of Three

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1. 2. 3. We do things by three. 

Small enough to remember. Significant enough to care.

All bad things come in three. When history repeats itself it must until its complete.

Do good and good comes to you three times more. do bad and bad will find you three times worse. 

one two three go. 

Lets do it on three. 

The greatest debate is it the time after the three or the three itself. Which one truly marks the end of the cycle. When will it all replay.

Little girl gives a stranger her toy.

Teenager helps a friend out of trouble.

Adult shares her heart with someone in need.

Three good things done, three good things given. 

A brother forgets his blood.

A father falls victim to lust.

A friend is lost in the rush.

Bad Things always come in three. 

Superstition is for those who need a rule to follow. They become so wrapped in the rules they manifest them into laws. One Two Three. 
Three good deeds are punished. Three bad deeds are rewarded. 
One Two.. Go
One Two Three Four im coming for you. 

The superstition and the reality begin to blur. We give more then we have to offer to do more good in hopes of ending the continuous bad. Haunted by the pain that never seems to past.

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