What is love

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What is .. love
Is it the calmness of a still spring day while the birds sing to you.
Is it the warmth of a mother's hug.
The happiness of a child's laughter.
Or the gentleness a father has for his daughter....
Is it the passion of that first breath stealing kiss.
I dont think ill ever truly know.
Much like faith you cant see it.
You just need to believe in it.
I'm told its all those things.
But how do i know?
My father doesn't know me.
My mother doesn't hug me.
The spring has never been calm for me..
An my first kiss was given with passion and returned with ice.
With that in mind, deep down i truly believe.
Someday..... Someone..
Just maybe... Will Love Me,
and someday i'll know.

What is love?

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