it took one text

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I want it known. This is not one of my poems. Though this may take on a lyrical flow. This is intended as a short story. So please enjoy the first of many short stories. "it took one text")

Naila flipped through her facebook. Her interest long since lost. She sat in the waiting room.just wasting away time. This week had been hard. She knew she had plenty to talk about​,at this week's appointment.

She had begun to rapid scroll when she was startled by a bing. It was her sister checking up on her. A soft smile forming as she replied, "I'm okay. Just waiting my turn." she looked up at the glass window separating me, from the receptionist.

She was on the phone with someone. Looking at her phone she closed the messaging system. Reopening the facebook. First thing she saw was a picture. Liking the picture slowly. She had begun to scroll again. But stopped something drew her curiosity.

She looked it over before snapping a quick screenshot. Sending it to her sister. "what do you think. He looks cute right. His eyes are so soft bet he's kind. " she began to open his profile scrolling a bit before clicking the add button.

she bit her lip wondering if it was a mistake. Just before she hit cancel her sister replied with a ding. Catching her attention she opens it ." yes he's cute. You should talk to him. " just as she closed the chat it dinged again this time it wasn't her sister.

It was the guy. "hey saw you liked my picture in that group. Sup? " then before she could reply a small chime, announced his accepting the friend request.

She knew then it was to late to chicken out and she replied. This was a start of something that could never be planned. Curiosity became friendship, and friendship will someday be love. After a few minutes the door beside her opened. A older woman smiled at her.

" Naila? Come on sweety time for your meeting. " she slowly stood up nodding at The woman. Slowly typing a goodbye to her new friend. Before following the woman to the back. A soft smile on her lips. Felt like the week was gonna be getting alot better.

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