Trapped In The Scene

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My Life Plays out infront of me.
Like a movie on fast forward.
with me as the main character.
but its like im paused while the rest of the world plays on.

i feel trapped in a never ending repetition.
i feel lost, i want tor each out.
but every time i try its like im drug back.

i have big dreams, and bigger hopes.
but here i stay.
trapped in my own movie of life.
the rest of the world moves on.
but i stay trapped on pause.

im the star of the movie.
yet i have accomplished nothing of grander
this movie must be boring.
when all your watching is one.
ambitious young woman.
who has accomplished nothing.
and is trapped replaying the same scenes.

i want more then this.
i want my voice to be heard.
i want my art to be seen.
i want the show to play on.
and i want to be apart of it all.

yet i stay trapped in this scene.
its like it never ends.
playing over and over.
trapped while the rest of the world
moves on.

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