i love you

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" I love you" i say with joy in my voice.
" I love you too" his deep voice says with sincerity.
the way those 4 words can make my day.
if im sad they make me happy.
if im happy they make me giddy.
if im angry they calm me down.
if im stressed they reassure me.

its not just about hearing the words.
its about whose saying them.
this amazing man who i love.
that's who has to say it.
only he can make me feel this way.

Sometimes i want to reach out.
Run my fingers through his hair.
lay in his arms for hours.
while i just stare into his eyes.
and listen to him say those words.
over and over again.

If i have a hard day at life.
i just talk to him.
he makes me feel safe and loved.
he makes my world alright.

if im stressed.
and begin to doubt myself.
he tells me im strong and smart.
he reminds me why he loves me.
and i know ill be alright.

my boyfriends love is like.
a kids first taste of chocolate.
its amazing and sweet.
and soon becomes a addiction.

for my boyfriends love is.
like years of therapy.
it makes me feel like i can take on anything.
it makes me feel like i matter in this world.

i am my boyfriends girl.
but i am my own person.
i feel strong and capable to find myself in this world.
because i know.
no matter what choices i make.
or matter how the world hurts me.
ill always have him there.
cheering me on.
with just those 4 little words.
that mean the world to me.

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