Both sides

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I'm not one who feels hate.
I have been burned and abused.
I have been lied to and manipulated.
but still i have forgiven.

So if you could make someone like me.
Feel hate so pure and unbreakable.
Then you must have a talent.
My natural kindness says,
That ill help anyone.
even if in return all they give me is pain.

So it takes quite a special person.
to ruin that in me.
when i no longer offer a hand to help.
when i no longer give money or food.
when i no longer sacrifice everything for a single smile.
then you know you truly took a wrong turn.

A heart of gold never turns cold.
but when cold words are whispered to the gold.
frost will build to protect the beautiful gold.
you cant expect such soft warmth.
to forever be unaffected.

im done giving you richest and joy.
when all you give me is anger and lies.
the weakest cubs can have the loudest sound.
I may seem weak but i am strong.
i may be quiet, But i can be loud.

i dont fear loneliness.
or rather i have lived in it for so long.
I accept it as my natural state.
i dont need your negativity to fuel my happiness.
i love my life.
im fighting to keep it together.
i dont need your iceburge heart.
sinking my golden ship to the bottom of the oceans of life.

im doing just fine in my mature responsible little bubble.
i dont need your dangerous immature pettiness wrecking away
the beauty of it all.
the bad in my life keeps me alive.
the happiness in my life came from the growth.
your life is dark.
if i could id change that.
but all you say it.
its making my world dark to.

i have my own pain.
my pain is making me grow.
your pain drags me down to the ground.
i cant handle you.

if my freedom angers you.
its your problem not mine.
im to strong to be held in your chain.
my heart of gold is needed by real people
with real troubles.
who could use my warmth without freezing it out.

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