Healing kiss

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  The First Kiss, its suppose to be a heart stopper right?
The kiss that changes your world.
Rights all the wrongs done to you.
A shock to your system putting you on the track to happiness.

My First Kiss.
Was a Accident.
It made my whole world light up.
It was definitely a shock.
And it put me on cloud nine.

But like all things that shine.
It grew dim, and with that dimness came.
Pain like no other.
a love that i thought would never leave.
was returned with agony and hate.
My First Kiss Was beautiful.
But My First Love Was Painful.

My Second Kiss.
It was gentle, but it had a job.
And it did the job well.
it erased the pained memory.
it washed over me with happiness and warmth.
hesitance and calm.
the process of healing had begun.
i could feel old wounds disappearing.
i could feel a joy i had forgotton returning.

I dont know what The Future holds.
I dont know how my life will end.
And i dont know if history will repeat itself.
But im willing to ride the waves of blind trust.
Ill face whatever is thrown at me.
Because i am nothing
Without Love.  

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