Freshman Year

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My freshman year of highschool.
I went in with no faith in myself.
No hopes for the futures.
My dreams shadows long forgotten.
Pages of my past had been ripped from the story of my life because it was to painful to remember.

But my freshman year of highschool.
I was in my English class.
Like always the first one done.
I sat silently reading a old worn novel of poems I found in the back of the schools library.

Each word was like a enchantment it held my focus.
I didn't notice the kids making jives about my size.
Or the loud screaming of out of pitch singers.
But I also didn't notice the curiousity about who I am.
When I got home that day.
My sister told me I was being moved to a new class.
The gifted honors class.
This new information boggled my mind.

That next day of school I walked into my new class with confidence I never knew I had.
Because it was on that day I learned that someone who didn't know me had faith in who I could be and what I could do.

My freshman year, I got my boyfriend cheating on me.
Instead of getting angry I read more books and wrote a poem.
I never shed a tear for the crappy highschool player.

My freshman year I meant not one but two crazy girls.
It was that year I realize that if your nice to everyone.
The crazy ones will follow you.
Because your the only one who will unbiasly give them the attention they need.

My freshman year.
My English teacher told me.
Never write a poem about love.
When I asked him why.
He said " cause love is to complicated to put in words you'll never capture the emotion on paper. Love poems are never good poems because not everyone will understand what you wrote or why."

It was freshman year.
That I blatantly broke this rule many times.
I think he was right.
Of all the poems I have written.
The ones I wrote of love just never could do.
Pain and anger I knew.
Love I did to, but of all the words I knew none of them would do.

It was freshman year that I learned.
Some lessons that where long over do.
That it's okay to trust people.
Kids now adays have no respect.
Kids now adays get obsessed over pointless things like who flirted with who and fortnight.
But the lesson I learned that I wish I had already known.
Was that I am more then the scars and torn pages.
I am a artist, I love people even who don't deserve it, and I will always help someone no matter what it takes.

Freshman year.
Was the year. I began to believe in people and the future.

( Dedicated to Mr. Thomas Sumner. My 4th period gifted honors English teacher)

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