One Of Them

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I am known for a few things.
One of them is my trust.
The second is my honesty.
Another is my maturity.

I grew up faster then any young girl should.
I learned my place in the world.
Then i chose to change it.
I learned what life really is.
I learned to know who people really are.

Yet knowing what people are like.
Seeing how they can betray.
Does not mean you wont still make a mistake.
That you wont put effort into someone who will hurt you.
That you wont trust in people who will desert you.

I make this mistake alot.
I trust quickly.
I call people my family.
I give them effort.
I tell them the truths behind me.
and it proves nothing but to hurt me.

Recently i trusted someone.
Like a mentor.
To teach me.
To help me grow more.
In trade i taught him my own wisdom.
And i helped him.

Something i taught him.
Was that people turn there back on others.
They betray you.
Then they slander your name.
They say dishonest things about you.
Its like all the good memories in their heart.
The ones made with you.
The laughs.
The joy.
The knowledge shared.
It is erased from them.
All they have left is hate.

I warned him of this.
Then proved that im not like them.
He did what i least expected.
My friend and mentor.

Became One Of Them.
He pushed me to the side.
Gave me no warning.
He forgot all the good.
Iced me out of his life.

Someone i respected like family.
Someone i looked up to.
Someone i trusted.
Someone i saw as a mentor...

He Became One Of Them.

So please forgive me...For i am Pissed.
Im sick of how people act like coins.
Being one thing.
Then suddenly they are something else.
It doesnt seem quite right.
Hell its down right cruel.
im not a puppet ...please stop playing me.
Like im on a string.
Stop using me till im no longer worth any purpose.
Then stop tossing me asside.
Like a Broken toy.
Im sick of people i respect, trust, and rely on.

Becoming One Of THEM

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