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I wake up, and i wonder if i really wanna get up.
i finally manage to wonder out of bed.
then i take a look around the room.
and part of me is looking forward to a new day.
while a larger part fears it.

What is this new day going to mean?
what sorrows will it bring?
what unexplained challenge will i have to face.
how long do i keep the brave face.

people who are said to love unconditionally.
look at me with judgement and displeasure.
i could dress in designer clothes.
i could loose 30 pounds.
or maybe get my hair done.
but never would they look at me with pride.
when i dont talk they ask if im sick.
yet when i talk im shushed.

what point is there?
if you dont like my voice so much.
why do you press to hear it.
i have a voice.
it is not always heard.
i have a brain that's knows more,
then the years shown on my skin.

yet when that brain works,
and i get a idea.
one that is indisputably wise.
i am pushed to the side.
my voice goes unheard.
and the people around me are worse off for it.
you say you want help.

yet when it was offered.
you ignored it and continue your struggled.
why would someone.
who is clearly fighting by a thread not to drown.
push away the life raft offered to them.
why would they choose to suffer more instead.

Because, the voice that had the answer.
fell on deft ears, the resolution they crave.
lost for eternity.

Some days i wake up,
And i wonder.
what would they do.
if i could never speak again.
what if i woke up.
and my voice was gone.
would they miss it?
would they regret never hearing its song?
would they realize all the times,
they missed out to hear it speak.

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