Full Moon

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Seth's POV

"Alright Roman.. tell me what are you doing here?" I asked, intrigued to see my brother here. It's been a minute since he came over to my domain. I hope he has some details on Bo Dallas.

"Bo Dallas... I heard through the grapevine he was removed from the pack." Roman said, looking at my book shelf.

"Yes, he tried to turn his human girlfriend into a wolf and she died. He then tried to fight me because I couldn't save her. He's also done some other things."

Roman turned around and inhale deeply. He was trying to sniff her out. "Where's Vanessa?"

I felt my blood boiling. This son of bitch isn't going to come into my home asking for her. "You cannot have her. You know she's my favorite."

"I know.. but I just want to borrow her."

I charged over to him and he grabbed me putting me in a headlock. I slipped out of it and jumped on his back and squeezed him tight. "Why are you here?" I asked, squeezing his neck tighter.

Roman's face was turning red. "Fine... let me go Seth." He managed to say.

I jumped off of him and adjusted my clothes. "Don't come in my house trying to challenge me Roman. This is my domain and the women I sleep with are mine. I don't come to your territory trying to fuck your hoes." I growled.

"Okay.. I don't think you should trust her. How much does she know about Alpha secrets?"

"Nothing... she's never even seen my bedroom. It's just sex with her, but I won't share her."

"I think she's behind the whole Bo Dallas thing. He's still on the run."

"You're not even in my pack, so why do you think this? What aren't you telling me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. My brother never gets in my business. Where exactly is this coming from?

"There's been talk to be careful of She wolves that are close to you. One of the alphas in the South was killed by his She wolf and then she became the Alpha. This was back in the eighties."

"Everyone knows that story but I'm not worried. But, I will find Bo to see if he attacked Dean."

"But please be careful of Vanessa. I don't want nothing to happen. Didn't she used to be with the last Alpha before you?" Roman asked.

"Probably... but listen I have business to attend too. I will catch up with you later." I sat down in my chair. Damn Binky could have gave me head while I talked to Roman. I hate when he pops up.

"No worries.. enjoy your day." Roman flashed a smile and I rolled my eyes. I didn't like my brother popping up unannounced.

"Later Brother.." I said.

I texted Curtis Axel to drop off something that belongs to Bo. I knew that he would comply to my demands.

Ember's POV

I jumped up out of my sleep breathing hard. I woke up out of my sleep because Seth done what I asked him too.

I put on my cloak and headed for the door. I drove over to the Alpha's house. I wonder is he okay with me coming over this late?

I really wanted to get to the bottom of this and see if a witch was really involved. Most of my coven did not fraternize with wolves and Chyna looks down on it. She has her reasons I assume. She said we were superior. Most of my coven are witches with a few vampires. I'm the only mix.

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