02: beautiful remains

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Ember's POV

I laid on my bed wearing Seth's hoodie in tears. I cannot believe I just saw the love of my life in a casket. How could I have let this happen? I shouldn't have shown up at his funeral, but I miss him. I had to see him one last time. Life is so hard without him and I just want to die. And now I am carrying his baby who one day will be an Alpha. I just know that our baby is going to be a werewolf. I can literally feel it, but to have a baby without him here is literally killing me.

Maybe I should get rid of it.

I still haven't told Sasha everything that has happened. I still can't get the sight of Finn killing Pete out of my head. I hated his guts, but he was my maker. I have to be honest with myself and admit I did enjoy killing Roman. It was such a gratifying feeling to know I avenged the death of my love.

He deserved it for killing the love of my life.

But, I didn't want my maker to die. When I drank his blood it made my feelings come back. There were so many things going on that day. This is all Chyna's fault. Stupid bitch! She knew better to do that to me, and she acts like she wasn't in love with an Alpha before.

She's lucky I'm pregnant or I would kill her myself. Life without Seth sucks so bad.

I need to prepare to go to Mexico. Andrade and Zelina will take care of me and protect me. Seth trusted them, and I have explained everything to them. We were supposed to run off to Mexico together, but that never happened.

I can't help but wonder what would happen if we just went to Mexico. We would probably be on the beach right now having sex.

But then I think Seth should have just left me alone, and I keep replaying his face in my head when I told him that I did kill his brother. It crushed him and I felt like he died in that moment, before Roman put his claws into him.

"Baby, stop beating yourself up over my death.." Seth spirit came to me and sat behind me while I laid on my side. Tears fell from my face. This was the only way I could hear from him through the spirit realm.

"But, it's my fault Seth.. I shouldn't have gone to seen Pete and you wouldn't have followed me there." I said, and I could smell him just like he was really sitting here with me. I turned over and he had a glow around him. He looked so handsome and not in any pain.

"It's not your fault. I should have gone to the council about Roman, but I was trying to protect my brother. When were you going to tell me you were pregnant?" He said, smiling looking at my belly. I wasn't showing just yet. But I was two months along.

"I couldn't tell you because I had no idea. Pete smelled it on me and I knew right then and there. I have taken a bunch of test."

"I smelled it on you awhile ago, but I wasn't sure. I didn't think your mix could conceive." He said.

Mix breeds super naturals have a hard time having a baby, so this is such a rare situation. "How am I suppose to raise this baby without you?" I asked, and he wiped away my tears.

"I am always going to be around. I am just there in spirit and I will never leave you. You have to go on without me baby." I couldn't stop crying over him.

"It's not right... I cannot do this without you. I love you." I said, holding on to him and just like that he disappeared.

Naomi's POV

Dean has been on edge ever since Seth's passing and I'm worried. I'm not sure he wants to take on this role, at least not in this way.

I needed to talk to Ember, But I couldn't Tell Dean. He's dying to kill her and I just want to know what happened that night. How did he die? What really happened ? He was so in love with her and I did not see that shit coming. Like how is it possible that he fell in love with her. He's never loved anyone and she was his downfall.

I do need to know how he died for our records and for peace of mind. I've heard rumors that she killed him, but I don't know. There's also been talk about a vampire that killed Roman, Seth, and Pete. I need the real story.

I'm not sure if she wants to talk to me but she has no choice. I don't want to get physical with her, but if I have to torture it out of her I will.

"Baby... what are we going to do about Ember? My initiation is coming up and I'm going to kill her."

His words were so cold and harsh. I did not believe that he would do it, but since Seth's passing he's been more aggressive and not himself. "I mean do whatever you feel, But an eye for an eye isn't good." I said, brushing my hair and wrapping it for the night.

"I still cannot go into his room. I feel like it's trespassing. We're supposed to move into his room soon."

He's been talking about Seth non stop and it's a bit overwhelming. "Let's not...and respect the man's privacy. A room doesn't make you Alpha."

"I still cannot believe folks are saying Ember killed Seth. The way she looked stated otherwise. They were in love."

"She's pregnant too... Seth's baby." He said.

"What?!" I couldn't believe that. How did he know that? I definitely need to talk to her.

"Yeah, she said it at the funeral. She still has to die though," Dean said.

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