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Seth's POV

I knocked on the door and I could smell
a witch approaching the door. The door opened and there was a burgundy hair small woman standing there with her arms folded. She had a scowl on her face.

"You must be the Alpha." The woman said, looking at me up and down.

"Yes, I am. Is Ember here?" I asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. What do you want from her? You're just going to use her up and throw her away." She quickly blocked the entrance, so I wouldn't run past her. But, I wasn't going to barge into their house.

"Sasha! Move out of the way girl. That's the Alpha your talking too." Ember said, behind her.

But it was obvious that Sasha didn't care who I was and wasn't too fond of werewolves.

Sasha moved her fingers up and I started floating in the air. "Ummm... can you please put me down." I said, staring at this witch who didn't like me. I was trying to remain calm.

Ember moved in front of her and moved her fingers to put me down. She grabbed my hand and said, "I'm sorry about that. My witch sister Sasha isn't fond of wolves." We walked past her and I followed her to her bedroom. Sasha rolled her eyes at me.

We walked in and I looked around at her bedroom. Nothing out of the ordinary. She said a spell and closed the door. I guess this means Sasha won't be interrupting us.

"May I sit on your bed?" I asked, looking at Ember, who was still standing by the door.

"Sure..it levitates though." She said, but I sat on it anyways. It didn't move, but if she lets me I'll make it move.

"Very funny Ember... you're not going to run out on me? Are you?" I narrowed my eyes at her, looking at her body. She had on a tight black dress. Was she trying to seduce me? Whatever she's doing it's working.

Ember jumped on top of me and wrapped her arms around me. "I want you... I'm not running anywhere."

I was completely thrown off by her forwardness. Wait a minute? Now, she wants me? Am I being set up? Where are the cameras? Am I on how to Catch a Wolf with Chris Hansen?

"Why do you want me now?" I looked at her red glowing eyes. I've noticed they changed colors. Maybe this was the color of lust, I noticed that when she was thirsty for blood.

"It's your blood. It's still in my body. It's made me drawn to you like a magnet. I need you Seth." Ember plead.

I loved hearing her calling me by my name. In this moment I have a decision to make. Do I take what she's offering or do I want until she's sober from my blood. No hasty decisions on my part. She's different, but I'm not sure how.

"Can I ask you a super personal question?" I asked, still holding her tight in my lap.


"Are you a Virgin?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

She dropped her head and sighed. "Yes, I am." Ember swiftly moved out of my lap and walked around her bedroom. I could smell that she was nervous about her response.

I walked over to her. "Listen, it a particular smell that I can smell and it smells so good. I don't want you to make a hasty decision, because my blood is still inside of you."

"But, you fuck that one shewolf that got in my face." Ember said, slightly raising her voice but it wasn't quite a yell.

Damn, she knows but it wasn't like folks don't know my reputation. "I know but that's different. I don't want you to do something you will regret."

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