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Naomi's POV

I sat next to Dean on the bed. He was still recovering from his attack. I love this man so much, and I cannot lost him. "Baby," I said, wrapping my arms around him.

"Naomi, I hate you seeing me like this. Did Ember help Seth?" Dean asked, coughing.

I passed him the tea Ember brewed for him to heal. "They met privately, but she basically ran out of his study. She didn't want to talk about it after. I've never seen her act so weird. Vanessa got in her face."

"Vanessa is in love with Seth, everyone knows that. She's been in love for years." Dean said. "Baby, if something happens to me I want you to keep going."

"No!" I whined. I love my man so much and life without him is priceless. "You created me so without you I can't live. Let's not talk about this. I want to grow old with you Dean." I said, moving his hair out of his face.

Dean finished his drink. "Baby, we will grow old together. You are the love of my life and I will always protect you."

"And I will protect you as well." I smiled.

"You're one of the strongest betas in our pack. Most women don't survive the change. You're the first woman to."

"I know baby you remind me that everyday. But, my girl Ember is very low key and reserved. I'm not sure what she will have for Seth, but it's something." I said, thinking about the whole situation.

"I love you so much. I know Seth isn't fond of witches, but Ember is different right."

"Of course. Now, once you get healed up then we can make love again, I miss your dick." I giggled.

"When you were a human you didn't want it this much. Now, you're insatiable." Dean smiled, but groaned from the pain. Those scratches were deep but not deep enough to kill him.

"Deanie, are you okay?" I asked, touching his wounds to take some of the pain away.

"Baby stop... don't inflict the pain on yourself." Dean requested.

I shook my head and continued to touch the wounds. I hated seeing my man like this. Whoever did this I'm gonna snap their necks.

Ember's POV

I needed to recharge before I start putting together this spell for Seth. I rarely worked with werewolves because of their nature. Naomi was the exception to the rule. I met her in the woods and a human would have seen her in werewolf form, but I made her disappear.

I started making a herbal bath, so that I can prepare. Anytime I'm going to do something big like this, I'm gonna need to recharge. My mental well-being is important to me.

I poured baking soda, epsom salt, Himalayan pink salt, fresh lavender in my bath tub of hot water. My bathroom door opened and it was just my best friend, Sasha.

"Damn sis, can I take a bath in peace?" I asked.

She sniffed and said, "What are you doing hanging with werewolves?" She shook her head. "You know they don't belong with our kind."

"Says the girl who gets vampire dick every chance she gets." I laughed, mixes the additional herbs into the water.

"Whoa, a witch has needs and this one we're actually dating." She flashed a quick smile.

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