Pack vs Coven Part ✌🏾

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Seth's POV

"Chyna, what brings you to Cherry Valley?" I asked.

"One of your betas can't keep it in their pants and it has resulted in a mixed breed baby. We do not allow that in our coven." Chyna said, looking over at the witch holding baby.

I immediately looked at Ember but she looks away. Which one of my betas was messing with a witch? This isn't going to end well.

"Jeff Hardy... where is he?" Chyna said, looking around. "You know where he is? We need to talk."

Jeff Hardy? I'm shocked to say the least. "He's not here...." I stated.

Chyna gave a sinister smile. "Oh really?" She said, and then saying a spell and Jeff appeared right in front of us.

Jeff looked around not sure how he got there. Damn, this witch is powerful. Jeff saw the witch holding the baby  and his eyes lit up. He walked over to her. "Is that my babygirl?"

Chyna lifted her hand and stopped him right there. "Sir, you do realize that it is against our coven rules to mate with other breeds. You getting Alicia pregnant and has created an issue for us." Chyna spat, and I felt a bit out of control because of how strong her magic is.

"Listen, things happen, but I'm not leaving my babygirl." Jeff admitted, and I'm proud of him stepping up to be a father.

"Seth, while this little family moment is sweet to those who still have emotions. I want you to tell your kind to stay the Fuck away from us. I take pride in our abilities and now our new witch has that wolf stench." Chyna covered her nose.

Alicia moved her fingers to bring Jeff out of that holding spell and he ran over to hold his baby. Jeff kissed Alicia and kissed the baby on her forehead.

Ember looked over at them and for a moment it seem like she wanted that. She wanted a family and a baby. I bet she'd look so damn sexy pregnant. She locked eyes with me and I wanted her right now. I could feel my dick rising in my pants.

"Listen, Jeff and Matt already have orders to protect Ember and Sasha. Ember helped us get a lead on someone who turned on us." I said.

Chyna turned and looked at Ember. "You helped the alpha without my approval. I had you in mind to be the next coven leader. I'm disappointed in you! Ugh, I'm going home you two disgust me. Find a way home." Chyna ran off to her car and got in.

Nobody really cared though. Once Chyna was gone and I no longer smelled her on my property I ran over to Ember. "Your coven leader is tough. I'm sorry if I ruined anything for you."

"It's okay.. Chyna is hella emotion. She was hurt by some wolf named Hunter Hearst Hemsley."

Shit. That's Bianca's husband and the previous Alpha. Maybe it's just natural for werewolves and witches to fall for each other. "Our former Alpha when I was a teenager. That explains a lot."

"Ember, I'm planning on leaving tonight to go to Miami to follow up on the lead. Andrade one of the Spanish Alphas said his pack seen Bo Dallas. I want you to come."

"Of course... I'd love to." She smiled.

"Perfect... come upstairs with me." I said, and she followed me to my bedroom. I saw Naomi in the kitchen and she shook her head at me and didn't say anything to Ember.

Once we were in my bedroom I closed the door and I pushed Ember against the wall. "Got damn girl you must have a spell on me."

"Oh it's no spell love.." Ember cooed, and right then and there I wanted her bad.

I invaded her mouth with my tongue and our tongues dances together. My hands gripped on that ass that I couldn't seem to keep my hands off. I loved how soft her booty is.

I want this woman so bad. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around me. "You're so strong.."

I laid her on the bed. She looked at me. "I'm not ready.."

"I know...." I smiled, pulling her panties down. I swear she always wear dresses. "Let me eat it..."

Ember sat up and said, "Do I have to return the favor?"

I pushed her back on the bed. "Just shut up and enjoy this tongue woman." I smelled her underwear and I just loved the scent of her pussy. I tossed them over my shoulder and spread her legs.

"I've never done this before." Ember said, covering her eyes. This is even better.

I spread her pussy lips and licked from the bottom to the top slowly. I gently rubbed her clit while watching her carefully. I kissed the inside of her left thigh and she cooed.

Her body shook a little bit. A woman that's never been touched, I felt honored. I wouldn't pressure her or rush her into having sex with me.

Right now I want her to get used to having an orgasm giving by someone else. I continued to kiss all over her brown thighs and I plunged my tongue deep inside of her sweet tight pussy.

Her scent, her taste was the sweetest. I continued to plunge inside of her tight canal. Sweet moans escape the juicy lips of my lover.

"Your tongue is... amazing!" Ember cried out, and she was already leaking her sweet nectar.

I slurped the juices right out of her pussy. I licked her pussy again over and over again. I held her hands while I continued to eat her pussy.

"j'aime tellement ça papa.." Ember moaned, and I didn't recognize the language, but moaned it over and over again.

"Cum Baby..." I kissed on her clit over and over again. Her breathing increased and her body continued to rise and fall. This was so damn beautiful to watch.

"J'arrive chérie..." Ember yelled, and her body erupted and she squirted back to back. Her juices flowing out of her pussy and I licked it all up.

I moved back up and kissed her lips. "Your taste is the best I've ever tasted." I said.

Ember kissed me back and said "Why are you trying to make me fall for you?"

"Same question I've been trying to figure out about you..."

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