Could It Be?

428 21 17

Ember's POV

"I need to find my maker." I said, laying in bed. I've been feeling sick the last three days. Every spell that Sasha made for me, my body rejected. This has never happened to me before.

"How can he help you?" Sasha said, giving me the side eye. We both know she doesn't like that man at all and I don't blame her.

"His blood can heal me. I can't explain it. I need to find him." I said, aching in pain. I felt weak and wasn't like when I need blood weak either. Honestly, I didn't want to call on him, but I didn't want to die either.

I called out to him and I felt chills come over my body. I could sense him at my front door. "He's here."

Sasha rolled her eyes at me. "Ugh, fine." She was starting to show a little bit, and she looked cute with her baby bump.

Pete appeared in my room and he looked concerned. "Ember... you called me to tell me you're pregnant?" He glared at me, and Sasha looked over at me. Her jaw dropped.

I shot up in the bed. "No, I'm sick!" I wasn't pregnant. Where was he getting this from? Like I honestly don't understand where this was coming from? "There is no way I could get pregnant..."

Pete walked over to me and touched my forehead. "Are you still having fainting spells?" He asked.

"Yes, I need to be fixed. You're my maker. Fix me I never fainted as a witch." I said. He had to know something to be able to heal me. He bit into his wrist and I watched as his blood dripped and he motioned for me to drink it.

I didn't want to taste my maker's blood, because then I would lust after him. Reasons why I supplement on Bloody Tonic.

"Go on this will heal you." He put his wrist before me and I began to drink his blood. I started to feel sleepy. He pulled his arm from my mouth. He whispered in his ear. "You're going to make it."

I started to doze off a bit. I haven't had his blood since he turned me into a vampire. So, I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I was still drinking his blood, it was almost addictive.

Sasha yelled. "Ember stop drinking his blood!" I heard her, and I instantly stopped. I looked at my sister confused by her comment.

"Sis... you don't want to be with him again." Sasha said, right in front of him. One thing I love about her is, she doesn't bite her tongue for anyone.

I stopped, but instantly I felt this attraction to Pete that I haven't felt in a long time. We we're gazing in each other's eyes from a moment. But, then I realize he tried to harm Seth and I care about him.

Just like that he picked me up bridal style and we left my place. I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't feel like I was in danger. When we arrived to his place he locked me into this room with him. "I've been waiting for this moment that you would need me baby. I'm going to marry you."

I looked at him confused. "Umm, I'm not a virgin anymore."

"I'm aware of that, but my Area sheriff is willing to overlook that. You're going to make a beautiful bride."

"Ember!!! Are you okay?" I could hear Seth on the other side of the wall. I'm not sure how he found me, but I'm glad he's here.

Pete made a gagging noise. "I know why he cares about you so much. But, will he still love you when he finds out you killed his brother, Tama?"

I froze. I was a baby vampire then and out of control. It was such a traumatic experience for me. I never meant to kill that werewolf, but I was drawn to his blood. I've never told anyone about it. I just started depriving myself of blood until I found out about bloody tonic. "You know it was accident and you never showed me the proper way."

"Was it an accident? It won't seem that way when he finds out." Pete teased.

I never knew they were brothers and I would do anything to bring him back. But, no spell is that powerful except dark magic.

"Seriously, let me tell him." I said, trying to open the door but it stung my hand. He wasn't a witch so how did he do that.

"You can't leave until I say you can Darling." Pete said.

I could feel Seth on the other side of the door. "Seth, I need to tell you something."

Pete walked over to the door and opened it. I was nearly in tears. I walked over to Seth. "I killed your brother."

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