Words I Never Said

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Ember's POV

I woke up still in the arms of him and I didn't feel any different not being a virgin anymore. My first time was amazing and I'm glad it was Seth. Laying in his arms I felt so warm. I never even realized how hate his body heat is.

Seth woke up and looked down at me. I looked up into his eye. "You're beautiful my love. Move in with me. Here I can protect you at all times."

I sat up in the bed and fixed my hair. I'm going to have to explain to him about satin pillowcases for my hair. "I cant stay in a house full of wolves. Someone will find out about us. I can't allow that to happen."

"Are you making excuses because you're already attached to me?" Seth asked me, bluntly. I don't know what I was even thinking about. I am falling for him so hard, and I can't stop it if I wanted too. 

"What are we going to do? Run off and you leave your pack. I could never selfishly make you do that. I respect you too much. What you did last night was some true Alpha shit. You made an example of Bo and Bray. Nobody is going to fuck with you now."

Seth's POV

My phone buzzed on the nightstand and it was Andrade. I should have went to him when I was in Miami, I am not sure why I changed my mind to go to Aj's house. "What's up man?"

"What happened to you and Aj? He said you brought a witch into his house?" I know Andrade isn't trying to jump down my throat about Ember. 

"It's a long story but he was questioning my authority as the Alpha. I just decided to leave."

"I know you are messing with a witch. Zelina told me. You know she's a witch too. She's my wife. Mexico laws have changed and we left Miami to be together, but I still aware of everything going on in Miami."

"So interbreed marriage is legal in Mexico?" I asked, curious about this. I wasn't thinking about marriage, but the thought of not having to hide Ember and lie to people seems promising. 

"Yes, it is. We are always looking for more people to join our pack. Hell, you could even move your pack down here if you want to stay an Alpha."

I thought about what he was saying for a moment. Like wow I could actually be with her. Damn, this sounds promising. "Hey, I am going to come to Mexico soon. I will call you and let you know when I am going."

"Alright man.."

 I ended the call. "Sorry about that love. So, apparently mix breeding and interbreed dating  and marriage is legal in Mexico. I just talked to one of my good friends, Andrade. He is married to a witch. Let's go on a vacation to Mexico."

"Not right now...I have some important things coming up with my coven. But, soon we will. That sounds amazing though."

"I am so glad you are not full vampire. We wouldn't be able to spend time together like we do."

Ember rolled her eyes and turned over. "So, you only like my witch side?"

I moved closely behind her and I know she could feel my hard dick rub against her plump ass. "No, baby I love all of you. I just meant our time together would be limited. That's all. You're cranky baby, do you need to feed?"

"No, I don't need to feed on you." Ember said, with her back turned to me. 

I am not used to a woman being cold to me after we had sex. I honestly don't know her problem is with me. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her on her back and the back of her neck. "What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing... I could hear your friends conversation. Are you considering moving to Mexico?" She asked, with her back still to me. 

"Only if you wanted to. It's an actual option if things were to progress into something really serious." I said, being complete honest with her.

Ember turned around and looked into my eyes. "My coven leader wants me to take a larger role in our coven. She's still considering me for coven leader. She wants to step down in the next couple of years."

"That's amazing baby. Maybe we could change some of the bylaws with you leading your coven and me still leading the pack. We could make history baby." I said, thinking about the amazing possibilities.

"Sounds cool.. I am going to head home."  Ember said, climbing out of the bed searching for her clothes. Something was off with her emotions and I just couldn't figure out what it is she isn't telling me. Did she regret giving me her virginity? I don't want to press the issue, but I feel she has me out here on a limb.

"Ember are you regretting what we did?" I asked her.

She put her dress back on and looked at me. "No, I don't regret it at all. I am just feeling a lot of emotions today."

I watched her collapse. Ugh, why didn't she want to feed on me. What am I going to do? I rushed over to her and tried to wake her up. "Ember come on..baby! Wake up." 

Shit, what do I do? This is the second time she fainted on me. I bit my arm and allowed my blood to drip into her mouth. "Come on baby... drink. I need you to drink baby." I said, hoping that she would start to come to. 

Sasha's POV

I laid on the bathroom floor crying. I hadn't heard from Finn and I still can't get in contact with him. I couldn't stop staring at the pregnancy test and there was no way I could keep this baby. If Chyna finds out I am pregnant by a vampire, she's going to kick me out. 

I am not ready to be a mother yet. Plus, who wants to be a single mother? Ugh, I am going have to meet with the dark witch Jojo to get rid of this baby. 

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