Rude Awakening

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Ember's POV

We sat in his house sipping on human blood out of champagne glasses. "So what do you need Pete..."

"You. I've been trying to raddle my brain to see if I could bring you back, but your scent came to me. It became stronger and your coven leader said she would release it for me." Pete moved over to me as we stood at his bar.

"You miss Daddy? Why'd you give your virginity to a wolf baby." Pete sniffed me. Yes, I knew I would smell different but I'm not talking about my sex life with him.

"Pete, seriously can we discuss what it is you need from me." I looked up in his eyes confused on what he wanted. My maker is five hundred years old and I could never overpower him.

"Well since you're no longer a virgin. I feel like you're not going to be any use to me. I've pissed off the Vampire Courts again and I have to find a virgin to marry. I'll keep searching for someone else. But can you do that thing I like on your knees."

I shouldn't have went to his school. Three years later and he's still playing games. "Pete, I'm seeing someone."

"Come on... don't let me command you as your marker, darling."

Before I could even answer, a wolf charged in. Growling and by the scent I knew it was Seth. Pete started laughing. "So, you are fucking a wolf." Just like that Pete sped off.

Seth turned back into his human body and held me. He was naked so I snapped my fingers and clothed him. "Ugh, thank you for saving me. How'd you know where to find me."

"I sensed you were in danger. I knew that you were here I tracked you." I grabbed his hand and I did a spell so we we're back at his house in his bed.

"My fucking maker wanted to marry me if I was still a virgin. Like seriously I cannot deal with him. My fucking coven leader lifted the spell. I'm going to have to cast a new spell to keep him away. I don't want to kill him, but I need my space."

"I will kill him if you need me to."

I cant have him do that. As my maker I still have love for him. Because of that bond that a maker and protege has. But, I will be subjected to sexual favor because we're not together. I can feel him trying to summons me now. I said a quick spell to block it. "No, he's my maker. I have to figure something out. Maybe I should move."

"We can move to Mexico We're it's legal for us to be together." Seth reminded me and I swear he has the sweetest heart ever. Those girls before me never got to see that side of him.

All I want is to not have to worry about my maker. "I'm leaving my coven too. Fuck Chyna because she rather I'd be with Pete than you. I'm tired of people thinking they know what's best for me." I laid back on the bed. I just need to rest.

Seth kissed my face. "Baby, I'm gonna handle it. I can't see you upset like this. You're mine and you deserve to enjoy your life love. I got you. I'll be back." I turned over and kissed him.

"Don't kill him."

"Trust me baby I won't. But the problem will be handled." He said.

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