Just A Little Magic

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Dean's POV

"What did you do to my Alpha?" I said, looking at him in her arms. Something about this situation bothered me.

"Who shot him?" I yelled at her, but she didn't say anything. "You better speak up before I rip your throat out." I growled. The other wolves circled around us.

"I don't know. I was leaving him and he found me in the woods. I thought it was best to leave him. Next thing I know someone shoots him. But you should back up. It's wolf's bane."

Everyone gasped and backed away from us. Too much wolf's bane can kill them. "Let's go downstairs and put him on the table on his side. The wolf's bane arrow is still in his back." I said, walking downstairs. Seth was one of our best medics.

But, she should be able to heal him. There is something she isn't telling him. She already beat me downstairs.

She was on the phone with someone. "Maya, please help me. I know you know more about wolf's bane than I do. Please save him he's the Alpha!"  She yelled into the phone, while pacing.

I'm still trying to figure out what were they doing in the woods together. They know they aren't supposed to be seen together. Why would he take that risk for her?

This shit is pissing me off. Here I was team Sember but no she had to go and get my Alpha shot. He doesn't even have a son to be next in line for Alpha. But I'm sure I will be the Alpha if he does die.

Fuck, I can't be the damn Alpha. He has to live! I need my Alpha to make it.

Naomi hasn't said anything in the last five minutes. She's never this quiet. She started crying. "Ember, you shouldn't have been in the woods with him. You've weaken my Alpha. He's falling in love with you and look at him." I looked at my Alpha who was in a coma like State. "This is why I didn't want y'all together."

"I get that. That's why I was leaving the area. But my sister witch can help me heal him. So calm down. After I heal him you don't have to worry about seeing me again." Ember said, laying stones around him on the table.

She laid her hand on his forehead and said something. She kissed his forehead. "Baby, you're going to make it and then I will leave you for good." Ember whispered, but I heard her.

Then a witch appeared in our presence. "Maya!! Thank you! I owe you one."

"Oh this is Roman's friend. I know him. I have. Special remedy for him." She reached into her bag. She showed her a small bottle of a purple potion.

"Here is where he was shot. Hunter's are trying to take us out. He wasn't even in wolf form. So someone knows about him." Ember said, watching her friend rub the potion around his wound.

"I see. You didn't see anything?" Maya asked.

"No, it was silent. But, I will go back in time to see who it is. Hopefully, it was my maker."

"I thought you killed him?" Maya asked, looking at Ember.

This is exactly why I no longer want her around my Alpha. He's her weakness and what is a maker?

"No, I put a spell so he couldn't find me or summons me. Chyna ass waved it cause..." Ember paused. "Let's just focus on Seth right now."

Maya grabbed Ember's hand and said something in another language. These damn witches are weird, but whatever it takes to save my Alpha.

Maya waved her other hand over the arrow. It instantly fell out and Seth sat up. "Roman..." He said, in a trance like State.

"Alpha? Are you okay?" I walked over to him.  His eyes were completely white and he said, "Roman."

Maya and Ember looked at each other. Ember grabbed his hand and spoke in another language. "është se kush e bëri këtë për ju?"

"Po ai e bëri" Seth said, still in that trance.

Seth laid down and sat up again. He blinked a few times. "Where am I ?"

"Your basement. You were shot baby." Ember said.

"What language were you speaking Ember?" I asked.

"Albanian." Ember replied.

"Baby, don't leave me."  Seth said, grabbing her hand. She stood between his legs. "Your friends don't want me around you. They blamed me for your shooting."

Seth glared at me. "Dean, is this true?"

"Fuck her! You nearly died chasing after her. She's not worth it. You cannot risk it all for some Vampire witch. She isn't worth it." I said.

"She obviously just saved my life. Thanks to her skillful friend. I need a moment alone." Seth said. Which we knew they were going upstairs to his bedroom.

"Thanks Maya!" Ember hugged her friend.

"Thank you!" I said. Naomi ran off and didn't say anything. So I follow behind her.

Seth's POV

"Maya! You're amazing. Normally wolf's bane recovery is days. I feel Nothing. Nice to see you again."

"No problem. I have to go though. Ember I'll call you." Mays said, hugging Ember. She was acting strange.

Once she left It was just Ember and I . "Why are you leaving?"

"It's the only way. Plus, I have some unfinished business with Pete."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "No! You cannot see him anymore. It's not safe."

"Bye Seth... it's for the best!" Just like that she was gone out of my house and possibly my life. I wanted to talk to her and discuss what happened.

I just hope she comes back. But if she doesn't I will be back on my hoe shit. This is what I get for actually trying to have a relationship.

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