I Am The Narrator and This is Just The Prologue

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Ember's POV

I packed a small bag. I couldn't stay in Cherry Valley. My maker was here trying to make my life a living hell.

I decided I would leave it all behind me. I can't deal with all of this that's going on. I believe Seth will be better without me. He doesn't need me in his life, because I don't want him to step down as the Alpha for me.

My maker has basically drove me away from the area. He should be happy that I don't get to be happy now. I just don't want Pete to do anything crazy to Seth, so if I just leave things will be better.

I was walking through the woods back and that's when I could hear someone following me. I was a bit scared to turn around. I turned around I saw a wolf chasing after me, and I started running. I was a bit weak, so I couldn't run lightening speed like I normally do. The wolf caught up to me and pushed me down.

"Please.... don't hurt me. Seriously!" I cried out, but no one was going to help me. This wolf is probably going to rid me to shreds.

Then he started to transform and his eyes were glowing red. He was on top of me naked and he returned back into regular form. I looked up into his. "Seth, how did you find me?"

"Why would you leave and not say anything?" He growled at me, and I felt a bit of his dominance overtake me. I bowed my head to him showing that I was submitting to him.

"I am sorry..." I still couldn't look him in his eyes. "I thought it would be best if I left you. I don't want you to have leave your territory for me. You've wanted to be an Alpha your whole life. I am just a witch/vampire that doesn't deserve someone to love them. You are better off without me."

Seth lifted my chin, so that we were staring at each other. "I am not your maker. You are what's best for me. I won't allow you to believe anything else." He said, sincerely and I wanted to believe him. But, sometimes I just don't really feel like I am capable of being loved.

"But you are the Alpha.."I whispered lowly, as we laid on Mother Earth. With him hovering over me it felt like the earth was at a stand still. I care about him a lot, but I don't want to be selfish about our situation.

"I told you my status doesn't mean anything if I can't have you in my life. I am not going to lose you Ember. Don't run away from me. I freaked out when you weren't home when I got there." Seth admitted.

I've never let anyone get this close to me, besides Pete. But, Pete is so immature that's why I wouldn't let him have me in the most intimate way. Seth is the man I've ever wanted, but never thought I could have.

"Promise me you won't let our relationship get in the way of your leadership." I said.

Seth shook his head. "Baby, please don't say that. I already told you that you are worth more the title. I am not letting you go. Stop running away from me. I am not going to hurt you doll."

His words were gentle, and comforting that it felt so good to hear. A man that actually cares about me and not just about my abilities. Peter tried to turn me into a force than he could use to try to dominate people, but I wasn't about that life.

"Make love to me... right here." I said, lifting up my dress giving him easy access to my love nest. He was already naked from turning back into human form. I wanted him inside of me and nothing else.

I untied my cloak and it was laying underneath of us. I draped my arms around his neck while I slipped my tongue into his mouth. I love french kissing it always made me wet easily. His hands caressed my thighs. I needed him so bad, that I couldn't even put it into words.

I was running from him, because I was afraid of the truth. I was falling in love with Seth Rollins. He was willing to risk it all for me, so why am I so afraid?

Seth pulled my panties down and touched my hot core. I was already dripping from us kissing. I just needed him inside of me now. "I am so hot for you baby... please make love to me." Before I could release another word from my mouth, he lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulders.

He filled me up nicely and started giving me nice slow strokes. "Mine..." He kissed me, and I felt that spark between us. He lights a fire inside of me that I can't explain. He's absolutely right I am all his. Our bodies rock together as one laying on my cloak in the dark woods. It just felt so natural to be out in the open like this.

"Yes, I am all yours..." I moaned, scratching up his back. He worked my pussy so good and now i know why all these shewolves are crazy about him. But, they won't ever experience him again cause he's all mine.

"Bite me... Ember." He groaned, and I licked my tongue over my teeth. My fangs appeared and I bit him. I sucked on his neck and the taste of blood drove me crazy. I couldn't believe how tasty he is in more ways than one.

He continued to fuck me while I fed on him. This was the most intimate experience to supernatural individuals can have. I would only do this with him and no one else. After I was done, I wiped the bite marks and they disappeared.

Seth held me close to him while we both sat up and were still as one. "Can I cum inside of you baby?" He asked, sucking on my neck for dear life.

"Cum inside of me... please." I begged him. All I wanted was to be filled up with his cum. "I need it daddy."

He lost it and he exploded inside of me. I followed shortly behind him and came all over his dick. I almost forgot we were in the woods. "Come back to my house... Ember for round two." He looked at me, and then collapsed in my arms. I felt a short dart in his back. Oh shit, a hunter's dart.

Someone knows about him. I couldn't pull it out of him. He was already knocked out. I had my full strength back and I dragged him lightening speed back to his domain. I didn't even get a good look at whoever did this. But, I will get to the bottom of this.

"Somebody please help..." I yelled, walking into the house. Apparently, there was a party going on that I didn't know about. Everyone look at me like I was crazy with an unconscious Alpha in my arms.

Everyone just stared at me. No one said anything until Naomi and Dean ran over to me. "What happened?"

"A hunter shot him in the woods.." I said.

"Fuck!!!" Naomi screamed, looking at him. I didn't know what was going on. i just know that you can't take the dart out easily without hurting him.

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