We're Going to Miami

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Ember's POV

Naomi and I were in the back of the SUV while Seth was driving and Dean was navigating. Last night was good with Seth and honestly I am not sure where we're going to go where this.

Chyna hasn't been texting me back and I am not sure if she has suspected something between Seth and I. I am not sure if I will removed from my coven or not. I had so many thoughts on my mind.

Naomi has been giving me the cold shoulder and so has Sasha. I am just like I don't know how to deal with guys. I need their advice right now and they are being extra weird to me.

I wanted to share my first sexual experience with Naomi, and I can't. I guess I just gotta keep these things to myself. My mind kept thinking about eventually he's going to want me to return the favor. I am not sure about all of that. Maybe Naomi can give me tips of giving head cause we know she's a pro.

I still want to have sex with him. I don't think his blood is in my body anymore and I still have feelings for him. Why do I have to have feelings for a man that I honestly can't have? I laid my head on Naomi's shoulder and I texted her. That way the guys couldn't hear our conversation.

Me: Sis?!..

NayBay: Yes...👀

Me: Can you stop being weird? I need you right now. I have all these emotions and feelings and no one to talk to about this

NayBay: Seth is a whore...he fucks all the women in our pack. I just don't want you to be another one

Me: Sigh... okay. I get it...🙄🙄🙄

NayBay: Trust me it's for your own good. Stay away from him... Don't be fooled..

Me: Alright.


We stopped somewhere in Virginia a little town called Emporia to spend the night. "Alright folks.. we're going to stay here." Seth said, getting out of the car.

"You know I don't like the country Seth." Naomi said, and Dean opened the door for her and she climbed out. Seth opened the door for me and whispered "Are you getting a room with me sunshine?" Seth pushed me against the car door feeling on my body about to kiss me, but Naomi and Dean couldn't see us.

I moved from underneath him. "Nope, I am getting my own room.." I said, walking away from him.

I need to get a grip on my feelings and get my emotions in check. Seth grabbed my wrist. "What's wrong with you? I told you I feel good when I lay next to you." Seth pulled me close to him. "Babe, what's going on. We had planned last night to share a room. Now, you're acting different. You okay?"

I could see Naomi standing behind Seth with her arms folded. "Nothing... I'll room with you." I said.

Seth paid for the room and Dean waited for us in the hallway. We entered the elevator and it was quiet. We stopped on the fifth floor. "Good night guys.. don't make any were/witch/vamp babies." Dean laughed, and escorted Naomi off of the elevator.

The elevator door closed. "So, Dean knows about us.."

"It's obvious. I haven't told him anything. People can feel vibes around us. Your bestie isn't fond of us, correct?" He asked.

"Yeah.. she just cares about me." I said. Seth grabbed my hand and we walked to our hotel room. Once we got into our room I laid back on the bed. I always get exhausted from being contained in one space. I hated traveling, but I was doing this for Seth.

"You want to shower with me?" Seth asked.

"Sure.." I said, taking my clothes off. Seth turned on the shower and I climbed into the shower with him.

"Babe? You okay." He said, holding me.

"I'm hungry..." I looked up at him, his blood smelled so good to me. I wanting to taste his blood again. His blood was special to me. I would drink BloodyTonic and it wouldn't do much for me.

"Listen, I will let you feed on me. But I am not fucking you. I don't want you to rush because you think that will please me. Spending time with you pleasing me. I just love being around you. I can't help that I can't keep my hands off of you."

Seth picked up so that I was able to feed on him easily. I wrapped my arms around him. "Are you catching feelings for me?"

"Yes... what did you say to me in that language last night?" Seth asked.

I giggled. "Just that I loved it so much and that I was cumming. I think I was speaking French. Apparently, I can speak several languages that just come second nature to me during certain times. It's only happened to me a few times before."

"Interesting.. you are a woman of many talents. Go ahead and bite me baby. I feel you growing weaker." Seth said.

I licked over my teeth and my fangs appeared. I bit on the left side of his neck and started feeding on him. The taste of his blood it's like the best thing I've ever tasted. Feeding on him was such an intimate thing for me.

"Girl.. you know this turns me on. Hurry up my dick is getting hard." Seth said, but I ignored him.

After I finished I rubbed my fingers over the bite marks and they disappeared. He put me down and he pushed me against the shower and kissed me. "Why am I so drawn to you?" Seth stopped and looked at me. "I don't want anyone but you Ember.."

"What about all those shewolves you like to fuck?" I side eyed him.

"I haven't fucked any of them since we started hanging out. I don't want them. But, I know your friends aren't fond of us together. I don't care though, be mine Ember.."

His blood was coursing through my veins and I wanted him to have sex with me, even though he already told me no. "Why do you want me?"

"I can't explain it Ember... you're special. I find myself thinking about you all the time. I can barely sleep unless you're next to me."

His revelations to made me want him even more. "So I still can't fuck you?" I said, looking up at him, kissing on his neck where I fed a few minutes ago.

"Nope... not yet baby. Patience darling. It will be worth the wait."

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