Ride Along

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Naomi's POV

When Ember got in the SUV this morning I could smell Seth's scent all over her. Maybe I should let my guard down, but I have to protect my sister. Wolves can be vicious and I know that first hand. Dean wasn't a saint before we were together, and I told him I wasn't going to date his hoe ass. Werewolves are hard to stay faithful because of our primal instinct to have sex. It's like second nature for us. I didn't try to change Dean.

But, we fell in love and he showed me his real self. Seth would have killed me if he knew that Dean showed me himself as a wolf while I was human. Any human that sees us in our werewolf form we have to kill them. We have to protect the secret. Many men have lost the love of their life cause they tried to turn their girlfriends because they wanted to be with them forever.

That's what makes me so special. I am the only one that has survived the bite as a woman. I sat in the backseat with Dean. "Baby, when are we going to have a baby?" Dean asked me, and it was the first time he's seriously ask me.

"I hope soon love. Whenever GOD blesses us I am ready." I said, laying on his shoulder. I did want a family with Dean and to have our own place.

"Damn, y'all talking about babies. Can Ember and I be the godparents?" Seth asked.

"Ember ain't going be with your ass whenever we have a baby." I spat.

"Sheesh, Nay. Don't be like that. Seth isn't going to hurt Ember. He's a good guy." Dean said, backing up Seth.

I bit my tongue. He's still my Alpha and I have to remember that. I am going to respect his ass even though I don't agree with him.

"Alright, we're all friends here. Ember did you fuck him?" I asked in front of everyone. It's too late for manners.

"No, girl I didn't fuck him but you don't have to worry about that." Ember responded, and Seth swerved the car. This fool is crazy. He pulled over to the side road. Seth unbuckled his seat belt. He turned around and looked at me. "Listen, let's not make this awkward. I want to be with Ember, but she thinks I have too many other hoes." Seth looked over at her.

"Vanessa came up here to confront you. All the way from New York. There's always girls texting you. I'm not interested in becoming a number." Ember said.

I threw my arms in the air. "This is what I've been trying to tell you Ember. He does this without even thinking. Don't be on the rotation list."

Ember turned around. "I'm not..."

"So, just like that you're done with me. I can't believe you don't believe me." Seth said, getting back on the interstate. Ember is making the right choice. He isn't worth her virginity and she should wait until she finds the right man.

Sasha's POV

"Mya! We have to talk. Our girl is falling for the Alpha." I said. I wasn't try to gossip, but I didn't know who else to turn to for this matter.

"Sis, the werewolves are putting their seeds in us to breed. You think that's what the Alpha wants? But Ember is so shy and timid. You mean to tell me shawty is fucking the Alpha?"

"I don't know yet but if she hasn't she will. I'm still shocked Alicia baby's father is a wolf. That's crazy." I said.

"You ever had werewolf dick before?"  Mya asked me and I don't even know why she wanted to know.

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