I'm Your Alpha

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Seth's POV

I laid back on the bed and growled out loud. This was the second time Ember ran out of my house. I don't know what I did that made her run out like that. I am used to women giving up their pussy instantly to me, but Ember was playing hard to get.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast and I could smell Naomi cooking. I could hear talking and laughing in the kitchen. I was surprised to see Dean at the dinner table. I went over to him and hugged him. "Wow, you look so much better." I said, still not believing that he was completely healed. I just kept looking at my brother.

"Ember made some type of healing drink." Dean took off his shirt and his wounds were completely healed and gone. Ember is such a life saver. I touched where the wounds previously were.

"That woman is something else.." I said, thinking back to us sitting in a circle.

"Yeah.. we saw her running out of here. What did you do to her?" Naomi asked, and I wasn't ready to have this conversation with them.

How did they even see her? Oh well they know all about her. "Nothing, she wasn't feeling too good after she did this spell to take us back to see when you got attack. It was crazy man. But, guess who it was?" I asked. Naomi rolled her eyes at me. She wasn't buying my bullshit about Ember.

"Who Bo?" Dean asked, and Naomi placed the food on the table.

"Nope, Bray Wyatt." I said, revealing this information to them. I still couldn't believe it myself.

"Man, are you serious?" Dean said, looking at Naomi.

"Yeap, and some witch named Jojo." I said. A

"That's the woman he cheated on his wife with. I guess he needed her powers. But, why would he attack Dean?" Naomi said, getting up from the table. "We need to go find him now! I still have his scent. I can track him Seth. I'm the best tracker you have!" Naomi yelled.

"No, sit down Naomi. Bo is in Miami." I commanded her. "We have to come up with a good plan, and plus I want to involve Ember on this. Since she was able to show me who it was." I said.

"You need to be careful when dealing with my friend. She's my best friend and I don't want her to get her feelings hurt. She doesn't get involved with a lot of men and it seems like she's drawn to you for whatever reason. Stay away from unless its to help the pack." Naomi asaid, sipping her orange juice.

"It's not like that..."

"So how come nobody is allowed to go into your bedroom, but she stayed in their last night. I don't want my friend on your rotation list." Naomi informed me.

"I'm not Naomi... relax." I was becoming annoyed. Hurting Ember was the last thing I wanted to do.

"You better not! She's not like these whores that sleep with you cause you're the Alpha." Naomi said.

"Babe, watch your tone." Dean said, to calm his girlfriend down.

"Look, I understand she's your best friend, but I'm still your Alpha. You need to watch how you talk to me Naomi." I had to set the record set. The she-wolves have to understand that they have to respect me.

"I'm sorry Alpha." Naomi said, lowering her tone and backing down.

But, with everything going on, my mind was still on Ember. I wanted her bad this morning, especially when she was feeding on me. It made my dick hard. I've never let anyone do that to me, and now I wanted to be the one to always make her feel better.

Naomi probably told her that I'm a hoe, so that's probably why she wasn't trying to give in.   She's the only woman to ever sleep in my bed.

"Roman stopped by. He doesn't think I should trust Vanessa." I said.

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