Hot to The Touch

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Ember's POV

I woke up and I felt like I had a slight headache. I touched my temples trying to ease the pain. I was thirsty, but not like I normally am.

Last night was so draining even with the power of the moon. I am still learning as a witch/vampire. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a vampire because I hate feeding on people. To me that's so gross, so I drink this synthetic blood called Bloody Tonic and it tastes okay. But, human blood taste better.

When I moved around in the bed, I realized I wasn't in my bed. "Shit.." I said.

I looked around and I thought maybe I am still dreaming. But, I pinched myself and it was definitely real. I looked over and I was in bed with Seth.

Fuck, did I pass out? Did he drug me or something? I don't remember falling asleep nor do I remember coming back inside of the house from when we saw Bo Dallas in a hotel. I did not want to scream because if there are other wolves here they will attack me.  I looked under the covers and my dress was still on.

I nudged Seth until he woke up. "What happened? Why am I here?" I asked, in a panic.

Seth turned over and stared at me for a moment. He looked concerned. "Ember are you okay? You look really weak. Last night you looked the same when you came to. You fell asleep immediately so I carried you into my room. I have other wolves that live with me, but they don't know about you helping me. I didn't want to put you at risk that's why you are in my bedroom. No one has ever seen it or is allowed to come up here." Seth said.

I never stayed at a guy's house before. This was definitely a first, but I still wasn't feeling good. I need to feed. "Do you have any humans that live near by? I need to feed. I am feeling super weak." I said. There wasn't a close grocery store and I didn't know how much longer I was going to last.

"Nope.. but you can feed on me. I have blood running through my veins, so you'll be fine. Plus, I am in regular form." Seth smiled, and put his bleach blond hair and black hair into a man bun on top of his head.

"No... I can't do that to you." I said, looking at his arms. Damn, I need to feed so bad. Wow, I didn't realize how good his body was. He looked so good shirtless and I wanted to eat him up.

"Ember you are weak. It's the least I can do for helping me yesterday."

"I haven't done this in so long. I've been supplementing. I can do a spell to make the bite marks go away." I said, moving closer to him.

"It's fine.. you're too weak right now." Seth said, and he was right. I should start keeping BloodyTonic in my purse, so that this things don't happen to me.

I moved closer to him and I was kinda nervous. He probably thinks I am freaking weirdo for needing to feed. I licked over my teeth and my fangs appeared. "Okay, it will hurt maybe a little."

"Just bite me woman. I might like it." Seth said, laughing at me. His laugh was adorable.

Seth was sitting up against the headboard and I moved into his lap so that I can get a better angle. "Trust me the only reason I am in  your lap is because I can access your vein better from here." I said.

"Keep telling yourself that Ember.."

I bit his neck and began to feed on him. I've never fed on a werewolf before, he definitely tasted different than a human. I actually liked the taste of his blood. I could feel myself healing faster than when I drink BloodyTonic or feed on a human.

I could feel Seth raise underneath me. I continued to suck his blood until I started feeling better. There were these feelings rising up inside of me that I wasn't familiar with.

Seth was rubbing on my ass, and I grabbed his hands. I stopped feeding on him. I rubbed on the bite marks and they disappeared. "Mr. Rollins... hands to yourself." I said, to him and I was face to face with him.

"Are you sure you want that?" Seth challenged me, and I wasn't sure what I wanted. But, I don't want to lose my virginity to a man I just met. I almost wasn't ready to tell him about my virginity either.

"Wolves and witches don't mix Mr. Rollins. I'm also part vampire. I am just here to help you."

Seth held my hands. "I want to help you too and please you if you would allow me to."

Damn, I was stuck in a hard place. A man actually wants me, but I saw how that one shewolf looked at me. She is definitely fucking him and I don't want to become just another girl he fucks. I was still in his lap weighing my options. But, I just can't do it.

My coven leader, Chyna will find out and I don't want to be thrown out because of it.

"You want it don't you?" Seth kissed me on my neck, and I gasped, closed my eyes. I exhaled, and bit my bottom lip.

His blood made me horny as fuck. It was also like he's reading my body language so well. I couldn't even speak.

He licked all over my spot and sucked on it. "Tell me this doesn't feel good. Tell me you want me to stop Ember." Seth growled against my neck and I felt chills go through my body.

I couldn't even formulate words. No one would interrupt us and I bet it would be so damn good. I want it so bad, but I shouldn't. I've only seen this man all of two times and I am going to give it up to him. I have standards and I just can't give in right now. Even though he making me feel good right now. "Mr. Rollins, I can't. It's not right." I said.

"You can call me Seth love, and your body heat is rising. I can tell that you want me just as bad as I want you." Seth told me, and he grabbed the back of my head softly and kissed me.

I laid back on the bed, and he was on top of me.  It was so steamy how he had my hands over my head, and his tongue swirling in my mouth. Damn, he's such a good kisser.

I was so hot between my legs and I needed him. I've never needed a man, before but I need him. His blood was an aphrodisiac and I was more than turned on by him. My arms were around his neck, and my our tongues were still swirling around in each other's mouths.

This heat that's raising from between my legs is so powerful and I know he feels it too. His body is so hot against my skin. "Oh my gosh... this is so good."

"I know baby..." Seth rubbed my pussy through my underwear. "But, it's about to get better." Seth growled.

I snapped out of it, and pushed him off of me. "I gotta go.." I said, moving from underneath of him and grabbing my bag. How could I have let him get this far with me?

I ran out of his room and looked down at the unfamiliar steep stairs.

"Ember!" He called out to me, but I didn't look back. I didn't want to be seen I just wanted to get out. I ran out of the house undetected and got into my car.

Once I got in my car, I took a moment to breathe. I drove off without even looking back.

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