Wake Up

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Ember's POV

I woke up in Seth's bed, laying in his arms. I don't remember what happened. "What's going on?" I said, groggy.

"You fainted on me again. Are you okay? Do you always faint?" Seth said, asked looking at me.

"No, I don't know what's going on. I need to talk to my friend who is a mix like me." I said.

"Please find out. I don't want anything happening to you." Seth said, kissing my forehead. I don't know what I was thinking before. I need to keep him in my life.

"Same.. I'm sorry for freaking out about Mexico. I've never been in a healthy relationship before." I admitted to him. "I've been hurt before that's how I became a vampire. I trusted him and he had committed a crime and he had to turn someone into a vampire. He didn't give me a choice. I cast a spell so that my maker could no longer summons me."

"Who is your maker?"

"Pete Dunne... he's from England." I wasn't sure why he asked me this. It's very unlikely that he would know who my maker is.

"Shit!!" Seth jumped out of the bed, and began pacing. I'm not sure what was going on.

"Do you know him?" I asked confused.

"Yes, he runs with wolves and I've gotten into it with him before. We hate each other. Is he your ex?"

"Yes..." I hated to admit it. "I haven't seen him in three years. I don't want to see him either but my fainting is probably coming from that spell wearing off. I don't know what he will do to me if he finds me again."

"I won't let anything happen to you. I will protect you. And if he tries anything I'll handle it. But, I know he will find out you're with me. But we will be ready when he comes."

"I don't want to face him again. He can't stop my fainting. He's only my maker. That's it."

"He probably turned you because he knows you're powerful. A witch mixed with vampire. Did he mix any wolves? Our blood needs to stay pure."

"No, I think he thought I'd be immortal and be with him forever. He's controlling as fuck. I need to go see my coven leader."

"Alright let me know what happens."


I sat in Chyna's office waiting for her to say something. "So, You've been fainting. Where are you when you're fainting?"

Fuck, I can't explain that I'm fucking the Alpha. She will know that I'm lying. "With a friend. But, they let me feed on them and I'm better."

"Interesting... so you're wondering if you should break your spell from your maker. I've seen him around town, Ember. I know he senses you. I know he associates with wolves, so maybe you should trust that Wolf you keep hanging around. I smell him on you."

There was nothing I could say. "The problem is we we're once in love. Once this spell wears off I know those feelings will come back."

"Why don't you be with your maker instead of a dirty wolf?" Chyna asked, still trying to get me to confess.

"Chyna, my maker double crossed me. I didn't want to be a vampire. I should have never dated him."

"I told y'all to stop mixing and this would have never happened. Now I'm sorry but I'm lifting the spell. You need to face your maker."

Chyna said a spell and then I felt Pete summoning me. I ran straight to him. He was sitting in a park and it was night time. "Ember Moon... it's been what? Three years." He said, standing up looking at me.

"Pete... seriously! You made me into a freak. I don't want to be a vampire." I could feel my eyes glowing.

"You look beautiful as ever. You were supposed to be my witch/vamp queen. I work with this wolf pack that's addicted to my blood. They do whatever I tell them too."

"Pete I'm having fainting spells. What's going on. You're my maker. Is this normal?"

"No, it isn't normal. I don't ever faint. Why you been hiding from me?" Pete moved closer to me in a fast speed.

I stepped back. "I've been busy.."

"Lies, I thought you were dead since I couldn't summons you." Pete said. "You did some spell didn't you? I talked to your coven leader. Why are you hanging with a wolf Ems? You smell different. Did you let him fuck you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Pete release me. I'm no value to you."

"I'm sorry but you do have value. That's why I made you a vampire. Now, I need your help with something and then maybe I'll release you."

"What is it?" I rolled my eyes.

"Can I tell you over a drink? I have this new house that I want to show you."

"Listen I have to go."

"It won't take long." Pete said, always charming as ever. But, I wasn't trying to spend time with him. I didn't feel safe going with him. He already seems jealous about Seth.

"Alright.." I groaned and he grabs my hand. He has the unique ability to fly. We fly to his house.

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