Chapter 10

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i make my way to the edge of town but make a few stops along the way to replenish my supplys. we choose a hotel that will acomidate Shep and i say its pretty run down but had a decent price due to the condition it was in. i payed for a few days before making our way into the wooded area that wasnt to far from the small rundown hotel. we spent the rest of the day under the canopy of the trees playing around, practicing our fighting skills and just talking about seemingly pointless things as we walked around the woods.

we would normally hunt down some food as well but the citys law forbids hunting without the proper licence. so we made due and collected some medical herbs and a few odd cooking herbs as we walked around. we will give then to shirayuki.....or her friends to give to not to sure if she would like to see us after that outburst i had before leaving her behind at the palace.

after the sun had started to set we made our way back to the hotel, thats where i bumped into a young boy who looked to be around the age of. the poor child looked so frail and so thin. he had light brown hair and light green eyes.

"Hello there" i gently said as i helped him up because he had fallen down when i bumpe into him.

"H..hello" he said in a hushed voice and i noticed that he has a small gash on his left cheek and some dark bruses on his one wrist.

"are you alright" i ask crouching down so i was around his height but just a bit taller.

"Kuma!" i look up at the new voice and see a young girl around the age of 7 or 8 years old. who looked just like Kuma but her eyes are a darker shade of green.

"Nagisa" the young boy said as tears started to stream down his cheeks making him wince slightly as the salty tears made contact with his cut.

"is this your little brother" i say, as i stay where i am shep sitting a few steps behind me.

" Yes" she simply said before turning to Kuma "did you get it" she asks her voice full of hope, but she was respond by a small shake of the poor kids head signaling no. "looks like were not eating again tonight" she sighed, my eyes widdened as this

"let me help your younger brother and maybe get you both a bite to eat" i offer without a second thought.

"no we couldnt accept such a offer" Nagisa said as she eyed me with suspition.

"nonsense i couldnt bare knowing children are going without. ive been there before and dont wish another to have to go through the same thing " i said and the girls eyes widdened.

"what do you want in return" Nagisa asks still uncertain

"i wish for nothing in return" i simply say as i stand up and motion for shep to come to my side and that made the two stiffen. "this is my friend Shep he will not harm you" i state.

"can i pet the puppy!!" Kuma basically yells in excitment as i nod my head and Kuma lets out a squeal of excitment as he rushes up to shep.

"why help us" Nagisa askes clearly not wiling to trust me.

"because you two remind me of myself. judging from your apearance and how you stated you would be eating tonight i am guessing you are both orphanes" i evaluate her and she looked shocked.

"you were like us?" she asked in a hushed voice

"yes and i wish that others wouldnt have to go through the same thing i did" i simply say. "would you allow me to help you?" i asked and this time she just nodded her head and i lead them to the hotel i was staying in.

"woah this place is kinda run down dont you think?" Nagisa asked as i lead the way up to the main door.

"better than nothing am i right?" i ask/say with a small chuckle as i opened the door and lead them up to the room i payed for earlier. "wait here ill be right back" i said before closing the rooms door and heading down to the equally run down tavern.

i bought some food for the four of us and made my way back to the room. i gave them the food and placed a plate on the ground for Shep before i began to eat mine. it wasnt much, a peice of beef, potatos, and some veggies. just enough for the average person to eat for a single meal. both looked suprised but accepted the food none the less.

"let me take a look at those nasty scratches" i said as soon as we finished eating and i had returned the plates to the tavern.

"hurts" Kuma simply said and hid behind his sister.

"I can help so it wont hurt anymore" i say in a soft voice as not to scare the poor child.

he simply nodded his head as he sat on the bed with Nagisa beside him holding his hand. i washed out his cut with water i slightly boiled as the two were finishing up there food. i went threw my pack and brought out the herbs i was positive i would be able to use to help him out. after making two different medicenies i applyed one on his cut and then washed the dirt from his wrist before adding the second to his bruses. i wraoed up his wrist so no more dirt could get stuck to the medicine and added a small bandage to his cheek so the same this wont happen and to keep infections out.

"there you go. Nagisa do you have any wounds that need attention?" i ask as i turn to her and she just shakes her head. "good now time to get some rest. the two of you can sleep on the bed, Shep and i shall take the floor." i simply said as i pulled out my blanket and placed my bag on its side in the floor so it acted as a pillow.

"we cant this is your room and we really shouldnt stay because we really dont know you" Nagisa says standing in front of Kuma who is sitting on the bed.

"my names Alex. there now were not strangers. dont worry i wont do nothing to ya so juet sleep" i say as i lay down and Shep comes and lays right next to me.

~Timeskip to morning~

i take the kids down to the tavern and get them some breakfast and some for shep as well as myself before we all head out. i watch as they run up to some other kids in tattered clothing and covered in dirt just like themselves.

"where are you two staying" i ask as i stay a fair distance away form them not wanting to startle the other children.

"whos this?" the tallest of the four ask. he looked to be around the age of 14 and had a few scars on his arms. he had brown hair and eyes.

"Alex she helped us and gave us food yesterday" Nagisa said not taking a single glance in my direction.

"you helped them...why" a boy who looked exactly like the other but a bit shorter, spoke up.

"no child should have to sufffer on the streets" i simply said. "need any help and you just gotta ask" i add

"Alex, dont invite them so freely. they may rob us of or few possesions and what little money we have aquired" shep softly growled, making the others notice him for the first time.

"hey get that thing away from us" the taller one said as he pushed the others behind him.

"shep wont harm you unless he feel threatened" i simply say but that didnt make him feel any less skeptical.

"Dana allows us to take shelter in her barn at night." Nagisa answers my question from earlier. "she also sometimes gives us scraps" she adds

"so you stay with her" i say to myself and they all look at me strange. "id like to meet this kind lady who helps you out." i simply say.

"youll have to wait till nightfall." Nagisa says and she and the others disappear around the corner.

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