Chapter 20

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"Who are you" the lady asked distaste clear in her tone.

I say nothing, taking note of my surroundings. Noticing a small hatch window in off to the side, just big enough for my small frame to fit through.

I make a dash at the hatch my hood coming off in the process. The moonlight streaming into the room from the hatch catching my red locks in their light.

Not bothering to even open the small window and no longer needing to take caution as the lady starts to shout for the guards. I plow through the window, glass embedding itself into my face and exposed arms as i crash to the ground.

Without hesitation i pick myself up and make a run for the closest wall. Scaling it with ease and dropping down onto the other side, jarring my legs and getting a face full of dirt. Without hesitation i pick myself back up and take off into the forest, flicking up my hood as i go.

In a roundabout way i weave through the trees back to my pack. Scooping it out of the tree and hoisting it onto my back, bow and quiver in hand as i continue to run.

As dawn breaks the sky i reach a small town that i passed on my way in. A small farm situated on the border of town is where i make my way. Hiding in one of the empty stalls of the barn behind bundles of hay. I catch my breath before taking a single strip of dried meat from my pack and devouring it along with a few long sips of lukewarm water from my canteen.

Heaving my now aching body from the ground i walk up to one of the four horses in the barn. The young mare was a light dapple gray. Her coat unkept and her mane tangled up so much it looked painful.

"Hey girl" i say as i approach with caution. " you look like you could use some tending to" i add as i reach for her muzzle.

"Like any Human would want to take care of me" she snorted and scuffed the ground with her hoof.

"Well im not a normal human" i say and she rears up in surprise. " Easy" i put my hands up as she calms down.

"You can understand me!!?" she Neighs nervously.

"Yes and the people who care for you are terrible" i scoff. "What's your name?" i ask in a gentle tone.

"Pebbles" she whinnies and i can see the sadness in her eyes as if the name brings back bad memories.

"Well lets get you cleaned up." i say with determination. Knowing that i'm far enough from the castle that the guards won't be looking here for another few hours.

I start by rubbing down her flanks with dry straw and a bit of green grass that is growing just outside the barn door. Dust and loose hair falling from her pelt and i hear her soft sigh of content.

Next i rummage through my pack and pull out a rough brush i use for my hair and gently comb her main and tail. Making sure to get all the knots out.

I grab the feed buckets from all the horses and pour grain from a bag near the hay into each before returning them. Also filling their water troughs from the small well just outside being careful not to be seen.

" there" i say as i pour the final bucket of water into a sickly old bay horses trough. The three other horses in the barn were on death's bed and i know there is nothing more i can do for them but for Pebble i can save here if she lets me.

"I wish to take you from this hellish place if you will alow me" i say as she munches on her grain.

"Yes Please" She neighs as soon as i finish saying it.

"Who are you" an anger voice says and i turn to see a boy who looks to be 18 standing in the doorway with burning anger in his eyes and expression.

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