Chapter 11

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we meet up with the four in the same spot just as the sun was begining to set. still not knowing the two older boys names but not pressing for them. sometimes names are kept close cause thats all that truely belongs to you, i know just like how i wont let any know of my last name so they cant link me to my family.

we make our way to a small farmhouse at the far end of town that is slightly to the west of the main road to the palace. i notice a lantern was hung beside the door as if they are expecting company. The tallest boy runs up to the door as the rest stop a few meters away from the house.

"Dana likes to know who is staying the night and know how much scraps to save before giving the rest to the pigs." Nagisa whispers to me and i simply nod.

"Tama nice to see you again" a young girl in her late 30's says as she opens the door fully. "Momo, Nagisa , Kuma" she calls them all in trun and they all say there greetings.

"you must be Dana" i say as i walk up the to small porch and extend my hand so she may take it.

"your new are you wishing to stay the night? if so im sorry to say i dont take in adults" she said with a smile

"not at all Shep and i are staying in a inn on the otherside of the city" i say as i motion to shep sitting near the path off the the side not to far from where we are.

"you called" he barked tilting his head slightly

"i wish to just talk is all" i said giving shep the signal that means i wasnt calling him.

"about?" she asks as all the kids scurry off the the barn, no boubt to get a good spot to sleep.

"i was just wondering why you dont just simply make your home like a orphanage. you obviously love all these street kids and are willing to take them in for the night and that means alot to them as you know by now im guessing" i start

"i would but i simply dont have the funds and resourses to open my home to them" she sighed and sat down on the step. "the crown wont fund a orphanage either ive tried many times but they could care less about us" she clenches her fist and i hear Shep growl.

"not all royals are like that" he growls out and walks over to us.

"shep" i say warning in my tone, even if Dana cant understand him i still hate how he relates all royals to myself and compares us.....

"hes awfully obident for a animal of his kinship" Dana said suprised at the way shep simply laid at my feet when i said his name.

"you can tell his breed?" i ask suprised.

"german shepard wolf cross tho it looks like hes got the shepards looks and the wolfs strength and smarts" Dana said

"i like her" shep yips as i pat his head

"i think i can get you up and running with the orphanage, i have a friend who works in the palace she may be able to help me out. and yes he is" i say going back to the earlier topic.

"try if you want but they wont listen" Dana said as she stood up. "i best be going i have many things to finish before the day is done"

"i will try my best to aid you in any way even if i must pay out of pocket" i say as she closes the door behind her before making my way back to the in. we skip dinner and head straight to bed.

~next afternoon~

i walk up to the castle and as soon as i reached the gate i told the guards i was seeing Shirayuki and they let me in. apparently Prince Zen told them i was allowed access to the palace so i can see Shirayuki. i was also warned that both Princes are attending some sort of party....i didnt know there are 2 princes although i have only been in this country for a few months and only in the wild searching for Shirayuki.

i was half-way to the medical wing when i catch the sent of a wolf that i have encountered once before. Shep has caught it as well and is instantly on guard.

"we must find her. this isnt good" Shep growls.

"Assassins are harder to deal with than the others" i growl. "she must have tracked us here." i say and break into a run shep by my side as we follow the sent of the intruder.

we track it down to a large open space in a garden that was curently set up and full of nobles. she must be blending in with them. i can clearly see Prince Zen talking to a older version of himself but with blonde hair instead of white. must be the second prince, i find myself stareing and snaped out of it and returning my attention to locating the devil in the crowd.

i caught a gleam of a blade and the next thing i know is Prince Zen is being held at the point of a dagger.

"I know your here princess you wont escape me again" the girl smirked and i growled. "come on you dont want your little friend to suffer do you?" she had a murderous gleam in her eyes.

20 guards are now surounding her and she doesnt think twice before quick like lightning she knocks them all out clearly not interested in them but her main target me...

"Your awfully persistant" i say as i walk out into the little scene that she has made. "why not come after me directly instead of involving those here." i say sweeping my hand over the crowd now huddled together.

"ive been after you for years and so have the others this time i got you right where i want you" she sneers

"if they wish me dead they would have done so when they cast me out i pose no threat i wish nothing of them or that family." i say

"you have no choice you must die" at this she threw Prince Zen to the ground and launched herself at me.

i dont think twice i whip out my twin daggers and parry her attack before droping and kivking her feet from under her. but before she can hit the ground she took the opportunity to switch to wolf form and making the crowd scream before tackling me to the grown my daggers flying from my grasp. Shep seeing me in trouble is at my aid in mere seconds and lauched himself on her knocking her aside.

"you cannot win this fight" she growls.

"try me." i said as i take a quick glance around me seeking out my daggers. finding them behind and slightly off to the side of her.

"fight me like a real royal" she growled with a smirk i plastered on her wolf features.

instead of doing as she asked i run over to the tall prince who was behind me next to the shorter one (to long to name them) and before he could even react i withdraw his sword and run at her head on sword at the ready. i switch as far as i can into the wolf form that i inharited from my royal family and the whole reason im not accepted and cast out.

Unlike her i cant fully change. i only possess the ear, tail, nose, small muzzle, and a thin coat of light brown fur. the whole reason i am being tracked down since i was abandoned not long after the age of ten when one learns to shift between the two forms that have been possessed by our people for generation upon generation for as long as i can remember.

"Disgrace you shall die by my claws" she growled before coming straight at me.

i swing the sword around as if it was a toy that a young child would play with. using my speed and agility to dart in and around her in a sort of dance as Shep attacks her from the sides both of us tearing at her flesh. i was so focused on keeping her at bay and away from those around us that i took no notice of the damage she is inflicting on me. i dance around her trying to find a fatal spot to strike before she dodges me and goes for another strike of her own.

she knocks me off my feet and by now my wolf form (if you can call it that) is no more and im just like everyone else here. she hits the sword sending it skidding out of my reach. Shep was laying on the ground knocked out and my only hope of surviving now is to strike a vital blow with my small knife i have for emergences but i know that it wont work. She has come after me countless times and has lost many of her companions. the only choice left was to accept my fate.

"i was never meant to live anyway" i say as i close my eyes and wait for the moment she takes my life and i join my ancestors in the place called heaven.

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