Chapter 24

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I am woken by Shep nuzzling my face with his cold wet nose. I try in vain to push him away but he wouldn't let me sleep despite the sun shining through the tree canopy.

'Alex your gonna be late to the meeting with the prince' Shep growls out and nips my arm non to gently making me push him violently off and sit up to look at the slight trickle of crimson seeping out of the small mark on my arm.

"Why did you do that!?" I growl at him and he lowers his head in submission with a whine.

'We are going to be late' he whines, tentatively stretching out his muzzle and gently licking the wound he just inflicted on me.

"Your forgiven, lets go" i say giving him a hug and a few pats before hulling myself off the ground with a grunt.

As soon as we come out from under the forest canopy I instantly look at the position of the sun to figure out the time. To my dismay the sun was in the center of the sky meaning that its noon. Without a moment to spare I break into a sprint and without even slowing around corners or even weaving through the nobles and servants in the castle i make my was as fast as i can to the gardens hoping that prince Izana hasn't left.

Skidding into the gates leading into the gardens as i attempt to stop myself. Shep skidding to a halt before having the chance to also collide into the gate. His claws ripping up small patches of grass in his wake. The clang from my contact with the metal gate rang loud and clear around the gardens.

A badly hidden laugh reached my ears as i stepped away from the gate and made sure that the force of the collision didn't damage it. I turn my head in the direction of the laugh and to my astonishment it was coming from the level headed prince. He was standing slightly hunched over with a hand covering his mouth, shoulders and hair shaking from his badly concealed laughter.

Trying not to look like the crash fazed me, i casually walk up to him as if nothing happened. Tho judging from his reaction i'm guessing that he saw my graceful entrance.

"Sorry I'm late" i say watching as he starts to compose himself.

"I haven't been waiting long" he replies in huffs as he regains his breathe and once again stands up straight, his cheeks rosy red from laughing so hard.

The sight was breathtaking to put it simply. His hair is slightly disheveled from being bent over, and the sheer joy showing in his amazing crystal blue eyes. I've never really looked at him as his own person before now. I've only looked at him as a spoiled little noble brat who doesn't do anything but spend commoners taxes on stupid stuff.

I shake off the strange feeling in my stomach and I try to look as annoyed as i possibly can while trying to ignore how adorable he looks. His eyes are strangely soft and not stern like they have been in the past whenever i talked to him

"Has the council decided?" i instantly ask not wanting to spend more time than necessary with him.

"They have.." he trails off and i glare at him slightly before he continues. "They have agreed to the proposal but because you are the one who claimed that the city needs one soo bad you are to help organize where it will be. You will also be given 2 weeks to get it ready or the whole thing will be discarded and never to be spoken of again." he sounds almost sad at the last part and i let out a huff.

"I will need help. And i take it your Highness won't be funding such a project... " i trail off deep in thought.

"You will be given the building of your choice and the simple things that are required for it." he added.

"Well if i find some help i can do it" i say with determination. Shep letting out a joyous bark in approval.

A small smile tugs at the corners of Prince Izana's lips but i am to focused on my plans to care to much about it.

"I have to tell Nagisa and Kuma!!! Thank you so much Izana!" i exclaim forgetting to address him as prince in my excitement.

I run off to find them, leaving a stunned Izana behind in the gardens. 

 Sorry its shorter than usual.

Do you guys have any ideas for boy gray and white cat names? My sister just got me a Kitten and I cant decide on a name. 

List of names so far:














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