Chapter 22

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"To what do i owe the pleasure" Prince Izana sarcastically says as he scans some documents on his desk without even a glance in my direction.

"I've come to ask a favor" i simply state and Nagisa tugs on my sleeve to get my attention.

"I don't think you should be talking to a prince like that" Nagisa whispers and pulls a bit harder on my shirt, making me lean over slightly so that the sleeve doesn't rip off.

"Your right little girl she really shouldn't " Prince Izana's voice is full of boredom and he finally looks up from his papers. " Tell me, why have you brought these children into my palace when they clearly don't belong here" he almost grumbles.

" Well i don't belong here, yet here we are" i state dryly.

"What do you need?" His eyes narrow slightly and i almost laugh at the fact that he thinks i'm intimidated by him.

"I would like to create a home for children that have no place to call home." i state confidence oozing from my words. "Many young children who have lost their parents or worse have simply been abandoned my them have no safe place to sleep at night. They are forced to sleep in the filth and harsh weather, when we could help them" i go one about how it would benifit the city and all that good stuff.

Prince Izana sitting with his hands together, watching me the whole time. Once i had finished talking he sat there for a while longer, the room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. His eyes began slowly moving to Nagisa and Kuma who decided the best place to stand was right behind me so that they can't be seen as clearly.

"What are your names?" he finally says, eyes lingering on Nagisa.

"Nagisa and my little brother Kuma" Nagisa says with as much courage that she could muster before drinking back a bit more behind me.

"Come over here will you" he demands in a voice i am hoping was meant to be softer that he sounded. With slight hesitation Nagisa walks right up to his desk, Kuma grabbing onto me as soon as she leaves his side. "Good, Now. Nagisa why should i spend the time and money in such a thing as an Orphanage" He says with no emotion in his voice.

"Many children are simply stealing and causing havoc on the city streets, only for the sole purpose of staying alive for another day. All of us see no point in dreaming up what future we wish to have because there is no guarantee that we will live another day to see those dreams fulfilled. I have lost many friends because of this. We need a place we can call ours and where we can finally allow ourselves to breathe, to trust others, to finally have a dream we know we can chase...." Nagisa trails off and starts mumbling to herself.

"Take these two and get some food and rest. I will speak with you ALONE in the morning" Prince Izana says before we are being ushered out of the room by the guards.

We walk in silents, down the long halls through the castle on the way to the dinning hall that is only really used when there are important guests visiting. Slipping into the kitchen i grab some of the chefs beef stew and some loaves of bread as the kids wait in the dining hall. Bringing the food to the table they chose to sit at before we start to eat in silents.

"So what now?" Kuma breaks the silents after finishing his stew and is currently soaking his bread in the leftover broth that isn't spoon worthy.

"We wait for the morning to come. The Prince will let me know what he decides in the morning. We will have to see zen to see what we can do for sleeping arrangements." i mumble that last part to myself.

As soon as we are all finished, i take the dishes back into the kitchen before leading them to zens office. And with my great luck he's not there. Without thinking i head to the medical wing, knowing that he would be with Shirayuki and if not then she might know where he has gone.

Sure enough the five of them are just leaving the medical building with Shep in tow. As soon as Shep sees me he is barking with pure joy and trots over not yet able to go any faster.

' Alex! I thought i was going to die!' he whimpers ' thank you for saving my life!' his tail is going to fast as he nuzzles my hands and leaps up for a slobbery kiss that i wiped off with the smallest of smiles.

"That medicine is amazing. I've never seen anything like it." Shirayuki exclaims as she comes up behind Shep.

"Who are the kids?" Obi asks eyeing them suspiciously.

"Nagisa and Kuma they are staying with me tonight but i never accepted Prince Izana's offer for a guest room, as i prefer the outdoors. So i was going to ask if you guys could help me out" i say hoping that they would.

"Well i have no problem sharing my quarters with Nagisa" Shirayuki beams at Nagisa

"I guess i could take the little squirt" Obi half-heartedly says and Kuma smiles ear to ear.

"We dont have to sleep outside tonight!?" he excitedly asked as he spins around to face me

"Not tonight Kuma" i respond and his whole face lights up.

"Wait you normally sleep outside?" Mitsuhide askes, shocked.

"Well not everyday, sometimes we sleep in a barn if we make it in time before it fills up with other kids" Nagisa states as she stares at Shirayuki with curiosity.

"Thats terrible" Zen exclaims

" that's life" i state coldly.

After a long silence everyone started to split up, Obi and Shirayuki being trailed buy the kids. I make my way to one of he greenhouses far behind the medical building, itching for some warmth tonight because i have a feeling it will rain and i really don't want to deal with rain.

With Shep at my side we drift to sleep, curled up together for warmth in one corner of the greenhouse. Listening to the start of rain as it bounces of the glass roof. Thinking about what Izana is say tomorrow. 

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