Chapter 31

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Another short chapter. I wrote this in class.

"Alex where have you been!!??" Father asks as soon as I walk through the dining hall.

"Around" irritation seeping into my voice as I take a seat next to Shirayuki and Kiki.

Without another word I grab some of the chicken, potatoes, bread, and a glass of water. Devouring it before leaving the room and everyone in it. Making my way to the room that was once mine so i could get away with sneaking out of the castle again without being noticed. As soon as I enter the room i shut and locked the door. Opening the balcony doors and without closing them I launch myself over the railing landing softly on the grass that borders the castle.

I use the secret exit and not bothering to change forms, I run through the moonlight. My hair flowing out behind me like a raging flame coming from a dragon's maw as he dances across the clouds with happiness. The moonlight lighting up the dark forest surrounding me in shades of green and gray. Adrenaline coursing through my veins as I weave through trees, finally stopping at the river its crystal clear water shimmering in the moonlight as fish dance below the surface as the river sings it's beautiful song.

"I thought I might find you out here" A voice breaks the beautiful sounds of the forest.

"Why are you out here Izana?" I ask without turning around, watching the river flowing gracefully.

"Everyone is worried about you the woods aren't safe as we have already experienced. Yet you entered it again despite that." amusment and worry lacing his words as he approaches, stopping when he is level with me.

"The forest is peaceful and I feel at ease in it. I feel uneasy in this castle I would like to return home soon" I sigh, turning to face him. "This may be my family and the country that I belong to because of my bloodline but this is and never will be my home" I add before walking back in the direction of the castle.

Izana following behind as we sneak back into the castle grounds through the secret entrance in a comfortable silence. Not bothering to head back to my room I instead make my way deeper into the gardens, listening to the sounds of the night, disturbed by the irregular patrols along the walls. The air filled with the scent of rain approaching.

"You should get inside it's going to rain" I say as I grab the balance on the nearest tree and swing myself up to sit on it.

"Then you should to" he said as I lean against the trunk of the tree.

"I'm fine here" I state before climbing higher leaving him on the ground far below. Listening carefully as the sound of his footsteps slowly grew quietly as he got closer to the castle.

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