Chapter 38

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I'm on a creative roll this weekend. I honestly don't know how many chapters I will write before today but so far its four. That's the most I've ever written back to back. 

We ended up just heading back to the inn for the evening where we were roped into spending time with Alois and his little family. For the most part I simply watched the children running around the room before they were ushered to their rooms for the night.

"I heard you are expecting. Are you excited" Mei asks in slightly controlled excitement when she returned from putting the children to bed.

"Very. I could think of no other man I would rather start a family with" I state as my gaze lands on Izana who is helping out with serving customers and I am surprised to find most of what I said to be true...

"Love like that is hard to come by" she says as I return my gaze to her. "How long are you staying in town?" she asked as Izana suddenly comes over to our table we decided to sit at, carrying 2 plates.

"Alois asked me to give you lovely ladies some more sweetness" He said and I can't help the giggle that escapes me as he sets down the plates, each containing a slice of chocolate cake with a single strawberry on top of each.

"Thank you" I say with a smile as he hands me a fork. "Wait" I say as he goes to turn away.

"Yes?" he asks and without a word of warning I scoop up a piece of the cake and practically shove it into his mouth. Making him involuntarily eat it with a smile plastered across my face.

"Now you've got some extra sweetness too" I state and he looks slightly amused.

"Are you saying I'm not sweet enough" he says in mock hurt.

"I didn't, not say it" I state and Mei is the one to laugh this time.

"You two are so perfect for each other" she says as he is called back by Alois, leaving us alone to enjoy the cake.

"We have been through a lot together" I state which wasn't a total lie.

"Destined to be it seems" she says.

"Seems like it" I say as I take a bite of the cake, before deciding that I wasn't that hungry and pushed the plate to the side.

"Can't stomach it?" she asks looking from me to the plate with some concern.

"It's just not appealing to me" I state as I lean back in the chair to relax a bit more with a sigh of relief.

"I had the same problem with Julio" she says as she waves Alois over.

"Need something dear?" he asks as he reaches the table.

"Could you take these back to the kitchen. It's making Alex uneasy." She says and hands both plates to him.

"Oh please don't send it back because of me. Enjoy it" I say with a smile and I catch Izana glance my way from the corner of my eye.

"Its fine Hun" she says and Alois takes the plates with him as he leaves.

"You ok?" Izana asks when he comes over after the last person leaves. Alois locking the front door before heading in the back to clean, Mei not far behind.

"Yes" I state, stretching out my limbs before standing up. "Just tired" I say trying to stifle a yawn but failing.

"You two run along you've had a long day. Thanks for helping around the tavern" Alois says as he hands Izana a small pouch of coins. "Thanks for your help" he says before leaving us to ourselves.

"Congrats" I say as I grab the pouch and tuck it into one of his front pockets. "Let's head to bed" I say.

"Lets" he says

I drag my weary body up the flight of stairs and down the hall to our room. Izana opens the door and I drop down on the bed, kicking off my boots once I'm face down on the bed.

"Your such a proper lady" he jokes as he kicks off his shoes before joining me on the bed.

"I try" I state and he laughs.

"Come on" he says and pulls me up so my whole body is now on the bed, repositioning me as he does so. "You're so heavy" he jokes gaining a smack form me

"Did your parents ever teach you how to speak to a girl" I joke with him.

Curling up on the bed, I end up rolling over to curl the blanket snugly around my body. Izana who is sitting on half the blanket is greeted by a bundled up me up against his side. And he looks at me with fondness, before picking me up off the bed. I squeal from the sudden action of being whisked into the air.

"Shhh" he shushes me as he attempts to uncoil the blanket from around my body with little luck.

"Never" I whisper shout in his ear as I lean against his shoulder, enjoying the fact that he is struggling to regain the blankets I claimed.

"Why" his laughter present in his voice as he tugs at the blanket with one arm, holding me up with the other.

"Because" I whisper in his ear and he shivers almost dropping me if I hadn't grabbed onto his neck in time. "Careful" I stay as I cling to him.

"Thanks for the blanket" he says as he pull it off of me. The fabric no longer being held tight against me by my hands.

"Cheater" I state as he throws it onto the bed.

"It was your fault" he states and he snakes his free arm around my back to hold me up better.

"Sure blame me" I say

Without warning he tosses me onto the bed earning yet another scream at the unexpected action and a laugh from him. But before I could make a grab for the blanket that is resting near the end of the bed, Izana jumps in beside me, grabbing me before I could register what he is planning. Pulling me as close as he can before grabbing the blanket and tossing it over us. A stupid grin spread across his face as he loosens his hold just enough so there is a small distance between us.

"Share" he simply said and rests his head lightly on mine

"Do I have a choice" I state as I rest my head on one of the two pillows occupying the bed.

"There is always a choice" he mumbles. His body heat and calm breathing lulling me to sleep. 

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