Chapter 15

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Sorry its so short. I managed to find a shred of time to write and i plan to do just that. No promises but i'm going on vacation and i have a feeling i may write then to, but i also have school to do on vacation as well. 

Sorry i haven't updated in over a month. 

With Shep by my side we make our way into the forest and do our best to avoid the soldiers that seem to be training during it. We take to the outside before finding a small cobblestone platform that hosts a stone bench and what looks to be a small stone fountain.

"This is the best we can do till those pesky soldiers leave the forest" I say, patting Shep's head before plopping myself down on the bench. Shep opting out and laying under one of the large oak trees shadowing the small platform.

"This place is crawling with humans we have no business with. I don't understand why we are being kept from leaving this place" Shep sighs as he lays his head on his paws. Soaking up the faint light as the sun drifts ever so slowly towards the horizon, soon to disappear and allow the moon to take its place.

As the night takes over and the stars start to show their little lights, I notice the presence of a flame in the trees and can hear the occasional shout or bursts of laughter coming from the direction the soldiers are in.

"Looks like they are staying the night as well" Shep says as he picks himself up and makes his way to the bench I am laying on.

"Shall we find another place to sleep tonight? I know the forest is the most ideal place here, but it seems like those soldiers won't be bedding down anytime soon" I say as I sit up and caress his lovely ears.

"If we are to get some sleep, I don't think we have much of a choice" he huffs and gives a little shake as I pick myself up off the bench and we make our way toward the herb garden.

We run into that blasted Prince Izana and I can't help but curse my bad luck, instantly regretting leaving the safety of the forest despite the loud soldiers. I try and act like I didn't notice him but he noticed me almost instantly.

"I see you are still wandering around. It's not safe for young ladies like yourself to be wandering around at night alone" Prince Izana says in a light hearted tone that just seems to irritate me.

"Wow, I was unaware that I was a lady." This made his face fall a little and I couldn't help the small smirk that crossed my face. "Calm yourself, I don't need to be told what to do by the likes of you. I've been wandering around various countryside's I'm not afraid to spend the night outside fenced in by this damned palace." I state with a stoic face.

"I would think they daughter of King Phillip and Queen Aurora would have been raised to be more lady like." He states and I instantly send him a glare that could kill.

"Do not speak as if you know who I am. Queen Aurora and King Phillip may have conceived me but I am no child of theirs" I snap before walking in the opposite direction, not caring where I end up. Shep is at my side instantly.

I need to calm down this guy is getting in my head and this place is affecting me in more ways than I like to admit. I need to find a way out of this dreadful place at all costs. I glance down at Shep who is now limping slightly and I give out another sigh. I scoop him up in my arms, gaining a little yelp of surprise from him, before making my way back to the small platform in the forest.

I carefully lay Shep down before joining him on the grass. I watch the stars before falling asleep to the melody the night seems to sing no matter where you are. 

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