Chapter 21

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" Now then, would you like to share with us where you disappeared to this last week" Prince Izana States coldly

Zen, Kiki, Mitsuhide, and Shirayuki are all standing in Prince Izanas office. Izana himself is sitting behind his desk.

" I went to Misuto if you really want to know" i scoff, not caring that in talking to princes.

"Why would you need to go there" Izana asked. i almost laugh at his lack of medical knowledge but remind myself that he has no such interests and has better things to do with his time besides studying herbs all day.

"I went to retrieve a special herb that only grows in Misuto" I reply " it is known as Iyashinomori or Healing Forest. It is special because it is one of the few herbs that works on those who carry the animal genes past down for generations" i explain.

"How does that have anything to do with Shep?" Shirayuki asks

"Shep is part wolf, wolf genes are what most inherit these days. The herb was originally used to heal pet wolves that my ancestors kept at their sides in days of old before being blessed with the Moon Gods blessing." i explain with a sign, making sure they all understand what i am saying because i refuse to repeat myself.

"That's amazing!" Shirayuki exclaims a spark of wonder lighting up her emerald eyes.

"Shep should be better in no time" I add in and shoot her a small smile.

"That's great to hear" Prince Zen says, stealing a glance at Shirayuki.

"If that's all i'll be going now" I state and make my way to the door. " Oh and as you can see, no matter how hard you try you can't keep a wolf fenced in" i shoot Prince Izana a half serious, half playful glare before leaving the room.

I make my way to the medical building to check up on Shep. Only to find him sleeping peacefully under Shirayuki's desk once more. Not wanting to bug him I quietly leave and head to the stable to check on Poppy. Once she is taken care of I make my way to the main gate.

The guards don't even put up a fight as i leave the castle grounds, Prince Izana must have lifted the order that i must stay on castle grounds, knowing full well that i'm not afraid to defy direct orders from him or anyone else for that matter.

I make my way to the marketplace and with a few of my remaining coins, i purchase some fresh fruit. Ripe red apples, green grapes, and some nice juicy blueberries.

Popping a few blueberries into my mouth i lowkey scan the crowd for Nagisa and Kuma. Surprising myself at how quickly i have become fond of the two youngsters. Normally i wouldn't let myself become attached to people knowing that at any time i might decide to just up and carry on with my journey that has no end destination.

I spot Kuma just as he is dragged around a corner by some older children. I unconsciously follow them, taking to the side roads leading up to the street they just disappeared onto, avoiding the crowds of the marketplace. It doesn't take long to catch up to them. The older children that i can now make out are all boys have Kuma backed into a corner.

" Kuma, I've been looking all over for you." i say in the most cheerful voice i can muster. Making my presence known, the boys instantly back away as their eyes land on the daggers hanging on my hip and the hand that's resting casually on one of them. " Come on we are going to be late at this pace" i almost cringe from the sickly sweet voice and smile i managed to pull off.

"R..right" Kuma says as he slowly walks past the boys, eyes darting from them to me as if wondering what they will do next.

" Let's go find Nagisa" i say cheerfully as soon as he reaches my side.

Playing my hand on his shoulder i gently guide him down the road i just came from and back out into the busy market. It didn't take long before Nagisa found us and started fussing over Kuma and making sure he was alright. Scolding him on how he shouldn't wander off on his own.

"Come one you two. We have a few things to do" I casually say as if this is something we do everyday.

"What do you mean?" Nagisa demands

"Well if we want to have a safe place for 'Independent' children like yourselves we have to convince those of higher status. But it works better when you have plans in the works already" i shoot her a little wink and a small smile touches her lips.

I lead them to the bank and have them wait outside as i secure a reasonable piece of land with what little money i have left with promise that they will receive the rest of the payment when i get more funds. Then i lead them to the castle, the guards saying nothing as we walk through the gates.

"I need to check on Shep first" i say and lead them to the medical building.

Once at the medical building i made the mistake of leaving them outside in the waiting room for the few seconds it took me to check on Shep. Shirayuki found them and is now looking them over as if she has never seen a dirty child before.

Eventually i convince her and all the other herbalists that the two of them are fine and we finally make our way to Prince Izana's study.

"Let me do all the talking" i simply say before opening the door and walking in, the two of them glued to my side. 

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