Chapter 18

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Soooooo sorry i havent updated in forever. My life has been hectic lately.

20k reads omg thats you guys. Never even tjouth people would read my crappy stories.

My plan is to grab my belongings and get back to that damned castle before the prince finds that im gone. Then ill have to deal with pesky guards chasing me around town and thats just a big bother.
As i enter the shabby hotel i cant help but notice the innkeeper arguing with 2 young children. Upon closer inspection i can tell whom those children are. Nagisa and kuma, what are the odds.
As soon as they catch me in their sights they run over talking over eachother in a large jumble of words i cant understand. The innkeeper clearly anoyed with the two also approaches.
"Sorry miss these two riftrafts will be taken care of. Sorry to bother you." He says through gritted teeth.
"No need. These two children are with me, so please dont cause them to much trouble." I flashed him a sickly sweet smile before heading towards the stairs.
The innkeeper muttering words of profanity and cursing Nagisa and kuma for gaining such a friend concidering they are street rats.
I trek up the rickety stair case and down the equally rickety hallway to my hotel room.  Fishing around in my pocket for the key before unlocking the door and letting the two inside.
I grab the few things scattered around the room and place them in my large backpack before taking a seat on the small wooden chair. The surface ruff to the touch but comfortable none the less.
"So why are you two here?" I ask as the two take a seat on the bed.
"Its been almost a week since we last saw you. The old bag a bones of an inn keeper said you hadnt left. And when we asked were you could have gone he got angry with us street rats" Nagisa said as she shifts slightly on the bed.
"Where is Shep?" Kuma asks and i let out a low sigh.
"Safe for now. I havent much time before guards come looking for me. I cant take the two of you with me on my travels so i must part ways with you after in done gathering my things." I say as i stuff the loose items around the room into my travel bag before buttoning it up a d making sure everything was secured and has little chance of falling out.
"Are you in trouble?" Nagisa asks as her gaze follows me around the room as i reach for my worn cloak i had hung in the door when i first entered this room a week ago. Along with a set of battle worn daggers that i strapped to my hip.

"You could say that" i huff as i sling my bag onto my shoulders with a slight grimace as the weight of the pack took a toll on the injuries that have yet to heal.

"Let us help you then. We know this city like the back of our hand!" Nagisa says enthusiastically but i just shake my head.

"Im not staying in the city" i say sadly as i user them to the door. " i must make my way north of here to find something inportant. And you two must not follow." I almost growl out that last part as a mental picture of what lies ahead plays in my mind.

"And why not" Nagisa asks. Hands pressed firmly on her hips. If she hadnt been cloaked in tattered old clothing and covered in grimmy dirt frim living a life in the streets she could almost pass as a nobles daughter... almost.

"this is something i must do alone and you two have no place following me. Youd just slow me down" i growl out and a flash of fear passes over their faces at the intense sound of my growl.

I user them down the stairs without another word. As soon as we passed the innkeeper i tossed the room key onto the bar and with the children following, left the building. I gae them some money to buy a decent meal before slinking off.
Using the showdows cast by the tightly knitt buildings i make my way out of the city and into the forest.

"I hope i can get it in time" isigh to myself as i start the long journey to my birth country in searxh of a special herb that will help my poor shep who is suffering because he was helping me. 

Short but its something right?

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