Chapter 46:- Ki Main Hoon Hero Teri...

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Updating a chapter on Wattpad seems like a dream...especially after nearly two months of school assignments, work, and hectic schedules! 

Weekends have come and gone by, with a regret that I hadn't written anything because of something or the other. 

But your wait has finally ended, and so has mine. It's been ages since I posted something, read your comments, and talked to all of you! Thank you for your support and patience! 


The sun had just drowned behind the Meera Temple of Chittorgarh, leaving behind pink and orange hues of tranquility. My long hair frivolously danced as the cool breeze fervently touched my face, bringing a slow smile to my lips. A wave of emotions was something I was experiencing in the past few hours. His reactions were always so unfathomable, it was simple impossible to behave indifferently around him. One second he was so protective it overwhelmed me, and the other his cold nature distanced him from me. I wasn't annoyed, I was just trying to understand him. Whenever I thought I knew him too well, he surprised me in a way that moved me incredulously.

"I'm sorry?" He tried upon reading my thoughts. As much as we fought, we couldn't bear the distance for long; I guess that's what having a soulmate meant. After our recent dispute, I had decided I would give him time, to comprehend the chain of events. It wasn't easy to accept when things that once seemed like fantasy turned to reality. Where we once joked about living the life of our reel characters, here we were, stuck in the middle of two contrasting yet so similar identities. Like pieces of a puzzle, we matched perfectly.

We had settled ourselves on the rooftop of the hospital. There were obviously no pieces of furniture around, so we ended up sitting on the floor; much to my content. Gazing at the beautiful sunset gave uncontrollable peace; something much needed for my unsettling heart that raced irreversibly. I shifted my gaze towards him, and curved my lips into a satisfying smile.

"It's's a part of growing, I guess." I shrugged casually, referring to his recent outburst.

"Together..." He completed, encircling his hands with mine. Even today, my heart jolted at his touch, sending shivers down my back. I shut my eyes and captured the feeling; surreal and unimaginable.

"I wanted to apologize too...I shouldn't have phoned him. It's this anger that ruins everything." I cursed myself.

"I'll not be too preachy, 'cause that's too tedious. But I feel your anger has actually been beneficial to us today. We've spent a long time preparing for this. It's time for some action!" He smirked, eyes glistening with rage that gave me an adrenaline rush.


"Are you sure about this?" Sidharth asked again, much to our annoyance.

"Yes." I replied firmly once more, pursing my lips and heaving a huge sigh.

"But how does this make any sense?" Reem reciprocated Sid's thoughts into words.

"Nothing else does, anyways. Plus, I just tried connecting the dots together." Faisal shrugged sheepishly, making me grin. We were greeted by frowned expressions to which he elaborated.

"I noticed a few patterns amongst us. One, all of this is linked to our history; particularly the historical figures we have experienced, and now know inside out. Because we represent them, in a way unexplainable scientifically. But it has philosophical meaning, since we have faith in it. And we have experienced our double identities."

"Two, we all have gone through this transformation at around the same time. It started with Faisal and I, and you both went through that soon after." I added.

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