Chapter 30A:- The First Sacrifice!

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I have decided to divide this chapter into two parts....hope you all like it! 

Vishal's constant knocking on the door did nothing but increase our stress. Faisal and I could no longer think properly and reflected just fear and tension on our faces. My aura; just as stubborn as the person standing right in front of me, denied to leave me unprotected. I decided to face the situation as it came, and without consulting or informing Faisal, I asked nervously,


Faisal smacked his head with his hand in disappointment as I gave an angry glare. The only thing he was talented in was criticizing my actions.

"What? Did you have a better idea?" I mouthed at him, before shifting my concentration on my best buddy.

"Roshni! Thank the lord, at least someone answered!" Vishal gave a sigh of relief as I smirked at Faisal. He ignored my gaze and looked away.

"Any problems, Vishal?" I questioned as I approached the room door. I stood 10 centimeters away from the door, since I did not want to leave any hints of my extraordinarily bright SilAngeEd Aura! Which reminded me--and I made myself a mental note to ask him--what was Faisal's aura's name?

"No problems at my end, but may I ask about you? Have you two been fighting?" There was a hint of humor in his optimistic voice.


"Not at all, Vishal! In fact, we have been enjoying each other's company!" Faisal intervened in in his sarcastic tone.

"Wow...that'!" My best buddy didn't sound very convinced at my so-called 'soulmate's statement.

"That's not-"

"So, what makes you come here? From what I remember, we still have 15 minutes left before the party begins, right?" He interrupted again, not verbally, but physically. He covered my mouth with his right hand that glimmered gold, turquoise, and blue, restricting me from speaking. I struggled to loosen his grip on my, but all my tries went in vain.

"On point, Faisal! I just wanted to inform you that your costumes are kept in a packet on the sofa....good luck!

I groaned in disapproval but Vishal escaped our protests and lectures that were about to follow.

"What?! He arranged costumes too?" Faisal complained, still covering my mouth. I fidgeted to grab his attention, but he just gazed into my eyes. Once again, there was hardly any distance between us, I could feel his breath on my face. I stared into his mysterious eyes, which reflected multiple emotions. Guilt? Jealousy?

I realized how long it had been since I peeked into those black orbs. So deep, that they never failed to take me on a roller coaster ride of emotions and unsaid words. My intuitions signaled me that he wanted to....apologize? He knew his mistakes, and wanted to repent for them. If he wanted to, why didn't he confess anything yet? I questioned my unresponsive intuition. My heartbeat quickened as he continued to look for something in my eyes. I wanted to look away, Roshni Walia wanted to....but Maharani Ajabde refused to ignore her Maharana Pratap.

"You know, you can't beat me! I am Gold, a color rarer than Silver! You stand nowhere near my strength...Ro.Dee!" Faisal hissed in my ear, alerting my aura even more. In that moment, all those emotions were replaced by just one thing....ego! For a second, just a tiny second, I thought that I could forgive him...and we revert back to how we used to be. However, his male ego ruined everything, again!

I was furious at his statement, and thought of showing him my real strength. Adrenaline rushed through me, as I felt my aura energizing my whole body. I took a deep breath and digged my teeth in his hand that covered my mouth. He gasped in pain, setting me free.

"Warned you to never challenge me, Mr. Faisal Khan!" I smirked in victory.

He continued to writhe in pain and I assumed that he was just overacting, like he usually did. But I was wrong! He clutched his wrist in agony, and I noticed the deep silver mark I left behind. It spread across his palm, embedded in deep red followed by tints of silver.

"Faisal!" I hollered, taking his hand into mine to examine it. Guilt swept across my face and soul, as I saw what I did to him. I had changed into a monster, by doing something so obnoxious. How could I lose control over my anger? How could I hurt my partner, my soulmate?

"I am so sorry, Faisal! I really did not mean to hurt you!" I apologized genuinely, forgetting all the tiffs between us.

"I guess it's my bad....I shouldn't have challenged the tigress!" He spoke with great difficulty, trying to laugh at his own words.

"Wait...let me look for a First-Aid kit." I turned around, frantically.

"That won't help, Roshni!" He held my wrist with his cold uninjured hand. I hesitantly looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"This doesn't seem like an ordinary injury, Roshni. Although we are normal humans when we are.... RoSal or PrAja, but we transform into something different when we combine these two personalities. A supernatural being has harmed another supernatural being. This cannot be healed with the help of ordinary medicines." He explained with urge and pain in his eyes. Somewhere, deep in my heart, I couldn't bear the sight of seeing him in agony. Closing my eyes, I tried to recall what Ms. Maria explained about the aura phenomenon. Double Identities....two people in one....supernatural powers....rare colors....unique characteristics!

"Got it!" I screamed in glee.

"Got what?!" Faisal queried with a frown, still grasping his wrist.

"Can you sit somewhere? Just sit on the floor...immediately!" I ordered, registering the lack of time we had. I had 10 minutes to heal Faisal's hand and get ready for our performance. His conspicuous screams reminded me of what I had done. My inner self knew I had to protect my partner....even if that meant putting myself in danger!

I kneeled down and took his injured hand in mine. I wasn't very certain about how my aura worked, but I had to give it a try. The only way to activate my already activated aura that I was familiar with was to remember the horrendous memories with Faisal. So I sandwiched his hand in both my hands, shut my eyes and remembered everything that he had done to me. The nervousness of getting 'married', the sudden banging on my vanity room door, his false accusations, Jannat's confrontation, my heartbreak, his transformation from a simple guy to Jannat's fashion model, the exchange of harsh words, and the series of events that occurred today! It all seemed like a predicted rigmarole, which was bound to happen. I chagrined at my thoughts, how eventful my life had been! A lone tear escaped my tightly shut eyes as I remembered all those painful incidents.

"Rosh..?" Faisal sounded confused at my sudden tears. I wanted to get mad at him for addressing me by that filthy name, but I had other things to concentrate on.

"Shhhh" I shushed him as my vision slowly restored to Faisal Khan frowning at me.

"You're eyes are red....Roshni, were you crying?" He sounded concerned but I ignored his question. I had to focus on healing him first.

I observed our hands and saw Faisal do the same. Wisps of Silver encircled our hands increasing its pace with every passing second. Scenes from the Disney movie, Tangled replayed in my head, where Rapunzel had saved Eugene. Steadily, I could feel the energy from my body being transferred to his hand to cure it. 3 minutes passed, and my body jolted with a start. Within the span of merely two seconds, my hands slipped from his hand and I fell with a thud. Black.   


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