Part 1

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Ok so before reading this, please keep in mind that the first two chapters are very bad😅 don't judge from these first ones, I promise it gets better!!!❤️

Another little editing note: this is the first piece of creative writing i've ever actually attempted.. therefore, it's obviously going to be terrible and not reflect my current writing style, please keep that in mind for any future writing of mine 😭

You sit there looking at the 99% scrawled in red on the front of your Biochemistry paper, with narrowed eyes.

After about five minutes you sigh and decide it isn't terrible. It means that you moved down by 1% since your last paper however. Realising this, you frown.

"What's wrong Y/n? Didn't get 100? Aww, maybe next time," Jimin smiles brightly, suddenly appearing by your seat as if he had some natural instinct to make your bad moods ten times worse.

You immediately clench your fists and have the strongest urge to punch a wall, which only gets stronger as you see 100% written on the front of his paper.


Well, Park Jimin often has that effect on you, turning you from a non-violent, calm citizen, to someone who wouldn't think twice about punching his perfect face.

Every test you would do he would get either the same mark, or above and it had been this way since elementary school, so you both practically grew up with each other. It was always a case of you being second best, which you hated. Therefore you automatically hated Park Jimin and his stupid, sharp jawline, flawless skin, lean figure and dark hair that every stupid girl (and some guys) in the university seemed to make it a goal in life to run their hands through at least once.

Not you though. It's not like that thought ever crosses your mind.

"Fuck you, Park," You glare at him.

"Is that a promise?" He asks, smirking.

"Sure. Meet me outside my dorm before lunch and we'll get it over with in 20 minutes," You smile sweetly.

"Wait, really?!" He says, clearly not expecting that answer.

You punch his arm and he shouts out in pain.
"Ow! Y/n! What the fuck?!"

"Does that answer your question?" You raise an eyebrow at him.

Your professor chooses that moment to dismiss you all and you mentally thank God as it means you won't have to deal with Jimin anymore. You ignore the hole he's burning into your back with his glare and storm past his seat, about to make your way to the dining hall noticing that everyone else has left.

As you're about to leave the room you feel a hand gripping your upper arm and spinning you around, making you stumble. You look up about to curse at whoever is stopping you from getting food (the only joy in your miserable life) to see Jimin peering down at you from under his glasses. He doesn't normally wear glasses as he feels insecure in them so he resorts to contact lenses. What he doesn't realise is that glasses make him look 10 times more attractive. At least in your opinion they do.

Not that you notice when he looks attractive. Of course not.

The close proximity makes you feel slightly flustered so you step back. It's not because of Jimin, its just that you hate people invading your personal space.

"What do you want?" You ask, impatiently.

"I heard you're applying for the Bio-chem internship," He smirks.

"Let me guess. So are you," You sigh. He chuckles at your obvious annoyance.

"Of course I am. Mr Lee already wrote my reference and I've sent off my application."

"What?!" You had asked your adviser Mrs Song to write yours, but she hadn't finished and you stressed out at the fact that Jimin was more put together than you.

This just adds onto the stress of everything else and you hear the all too familiar voice in your mind reminding you, you're not good enough. You need to work harder.

You start to hyperventilate.

Jimin notices your distress and is quick to put his hand on your shoulder. "Hey, Y/n, it's ok, don't stress. You'll be fine, I promise. If anyone is gonna get in it's you," He continues to talk about random things to distract you until you calm down. You hate that it helps.

Funnily enough, this is not the first time Jimin has had to help you get through a panic attack. You might hate each other with more passion than the fiery pits of hell (aka where you think Jimin probably lives), but going to the same school and constantly being put in the same advanced placement classes and projects meant that you both knew each other better than anyone. The pressure of everyone expecting so much from the both of you had meant that you had been there for a lot of Jimin's panic attacks and he had been there for yours.

Once you've calmed down, you take a shaky breath. Looking up at Jimin (seeing as he was 4 inches taller than you- another thing he had to one up on you), you grudgingly thank him, embarrassed since you haven't had a panic attack since high school graduation. You and Jimin were chosen to do a joint speech and five minutes before going on the stage, Jimin had to calm you down.

You quickly rush out of the lecture hall and make your way to the dining hall to meet your best friend, Chaeyoung, hoping to rant about Jimin. Again.


Soooo... Here's the first chapter of Elysian!!! 😂I hope you liked it! Please don't judge me too hard as this is my first ever attempt at writing😅. Also please don't mind any mistakes, this is unedited. I'm sorry it's so short, the upcoming chapters will hopefully be much longer.

Also, thank you to Starbucks_13__ for convincing me to write this ily🖤. And to jenniveveL for assuring me this chapter wasn't completely crap and for finding me a picture for my cover ily too🖤. Btw you both better still be my friends after reading this book in the future no matter how bad it is😅

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