Part 20

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"How cool would it be if Tom Holland walked through the door right now?" You ponder on the thought with vacant eyes as you spoon ice cream into your mouth.

"The guy who plays Spider-man?" There's a questioning tone and a slight hint of confusion in Jackson's voice when he asks the question. "Isn't he like, twelve?"

"Twenty-two years of age, you uneducated peanut!" Your lips twitch into a small smile, ruining your fake angry expression as he laughs when you flick a tiny flake of chocolate at him from your ice cream. "And yes, he plays the current Spider-man. But we don't talk about that character right now- unless of course you want to deal with my crying self."

"I'm okay, thanks," he sheepishly runs his hand through his hair and fluffs it, reminding you of a certain person that you push in your thoughts, further down than the pits of Tartarus which is probably where he came from.

"Back to Tom Holland," you avert your thoughts, "isn't he the cutest?"

"Not as cute as you."

Your spoon misses your mouth.

Weirdly enough, as sincere as Jackson is, the lighthearted comment feels more like a joke that someone like Chaeyoung would make. Even weirder- you don't mind.

"Stop being so cheesy," you snort when you see him jokingly resting his face on his hands looking up at you with a love-struck expression.

"I speak the truth and nothing but the truth, Y/n," Jackson's serious expression just sends you into another fit of laughter and quickly compose yourself before you inhale the ice cream through your nose.

That would be embarrassing, you think, as though you don't already humiliate yourself in public enough.

"Pfft. Who says procrastinating can't get you good grades?" Chaeyoung says flippantly- a contrast to her stressed out state a matter of 20 minutes ago when her grades were being emailed to her. "Spending all that time binge watching movies and I still passed."

"Yeah, you procrastinated," you start off rolling your eyes, "but don't forget the all nighters you pulled with me to complete all those assignments," you refer to the nights spent fuelled on caffeine and junk food which resulted in the both of you getting the grades you were hoping for and you give her a pointed look.

"Well, unlike me, Yoongi actually got sleep so who else was I meant to do them with? You were my last reso-" Her sentence is cut off with a blow to her head from the fluffy pencil case sitting on the desk besides you.

"Since I feel bad for you about next week, I'll let your act of shameless violence go," she rubs her head on the spot you assaulted with the slightly hefty pencil case.

"Don't remind me," you groan into your hands, retreating into a foetal position in the large chair you're currently sat on.

"It's not going to be that awkward is it? Can't you just, you know, ignore him?" Chaeyoung meekly offers, referring to the internship that you'll be starting next week.

Along with Jimin

"Yeah," you huff, "the only thing getting me through this is the fact there'll be other people. If only Jackson had applied. It would have been much funnier with him."

"Speaking of him, how are things going?" She adopts a false uninterested tone, but you know that she's itching to know.

"They're going... good," you finish lamely, wincing at the lack of excitement in your own voice, not even convincing yourself.

"Wait, I thought you were happy and all "typical teen couple" ish," the frantic notes in Chaeyoung's voice make you sigh and shake your head.

"Well, we are," you're not sure how to explain, "but if I'm being honest it feels more like I'm with a friend rather than a boyfriend.." you trail off.

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