Part 24

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"I think that I would much rather stab myself in the eye with a blunt knife," was your delightfully positive answer, which you decided was quite adequate in response to Chaeyoung's suggestion of telling Park Jimin, aka the boy whom you had referred to as 'Satan's long-lost offspring' for most of your adolescence, that you kind of, perhaps, did not detest him as much as you did a couple of months ago.

What a joke, you thought.

Fast forward a couple days, you're now doing your evening shift at the diner. Practically throwing yourself into the seat opposite Chaeyoung, you sigh deeply, thanking the heavens that the rush hour had subsided. Your boss was lenient enough to let you laze around on Mondays, owing to the fact that it was pretty quiet most of the day, something you were all too glad about.

"Please tell me you don't want to order anything now," you groan, slamming your head down onto the laminated surface of the table that you just wiped clean. "If I have to deal with standing up to go give an order one more time, I think you may actually be the first to witness my rapid descent into madness as I scream in this here diner."

"Well it was nice knowing you while you were sane," Chaeyoung tuts, setting her phone down. "Yoongi says he's almost here with Jimin."

"If anyone asks, I've quit my job."

Rolling her eyes, Chaeyoung takes a sip of her hot chocolate. "Should I be offended that you're yet to tell me about your plan of action? Come on, you've got to do something!"

"I'm going to do what I do best," you nod firmly, pushing yourself up from the table with what feels like the only ounce of strength you have left. "Avoid him like the plague."

"Y/n," Chaeyoung starts, "we have been over this. You do not run away from your problems."

"I'll start next year," you wave a hand aimlessly at the mention of resolutions that are yet to be fulfilled- if ever. "New year, new me. Right?"

"You can't keep saying that every year," Chaeyoung huffs. "That's not how it works."

"That's subjective."

"That is the incorrect usage of the word 'subjective'." Chaeyoung's twitching eye is an indication of her metaphorical Mount Vesuvius on the verge of erupting, whilst your face is a mask of calm accompanied by a teasing smirk, urging her magma to rise to the surface and explode in a violent display of anger and exasperation.

"No, it isn't." Leaning back in your seat, you bring your hands together to form a steeple as you vocalize your words of wisdom. "Some people like to act on their resolutions, whereas others prefer to attempt to speak them into existence, like me, hoping that they'll come true. Subjective."

"So, to conclude," Chaeyoung sips her drink, feigning a thoughtful expression. "You're shit at keeping resolutions and you don't like to face your problems."

"I'll have you know that the only big problem in my life right now is... Jimin," your voice trails off, wavering at the end, as you stare at the door which, coincidentally, Jimin and Yoongi have just walked through, prompting your heart to race and your sweat glands to activate. Charming. A huge contrast to your previous unperturbed, confident disposition. "And, oh, look. I'm facing him now. Gotta go!"

Tripping over your own feet, you haphazardly stumble out of your seat and run as though the vinyl floor has caught fire, all the while ducking down to try and hide. As expected, this only aids in making you look ridiculous judging from Chaeyoung's slightly embarrassed sigh as she watches you seemingly impersonating a newborn deer sprinting away from its predator. At this point she expects this kind of behaviour from you.

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