Part 26- Final

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Spluttering, your arms flail around from the shock of falling into the pool and you feel Jimin trying to restrain you before you can hit him in the face.

"Stop, Y/N, STOP!" Jimin grabs hold of your arms tightly, raised in the air. "Thrashing about like that in the water is helping no one."

"I can't swim! And blame Chayoung for throwing me in here in the first place!" you argue, blinking away the water threatening to make its way into your eyes.

"Technically you fell in yourself," she points out, hiding behind Namjoon.

"Yeah, and took me down with you," Jimin mutters bitterly, hand on your waist to guide you forwards and you scowl at everyone's laughter to hide the fact that the warmth from his hand is searing into your exposed skin.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been standing in the way then," you fire back, gladly taking Hoseok's helping hand to pull you out of the pool. Chaeyoung hands you a towel cautiously and you immediately try and dry off your hair in some attempt to look less like a drowned rat.

"I was just standing," he scoffs, indignant. "Maybe if you hadn't been running around like a child!"

"Are you calling me immature?"

"If the shoe fits—"

"Alright!" Yoongi shouts, eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose in a way that makes you want to run in the opposite direction. "If either of you argue one more time one this trip I'm personally going to tie rocks to each of you and push you into the pool in the dead of night. Is that clear?"

Eyes widening, you stare at Yoongi. "That's so dark, are you okay?"

"I said is that clear?"

"Crystal," you and Jimin say in chorus and Yoongi goes back to whatever he was doing before along with everyone else.

Turning to Jimin, you fiddle with your hands awkwardly. "I'm sorry I pushed you into the pool," you mumble, not really wanting to say it.

"Wait, did I hear that correctly?" he folds his arms and considers you with a barely hidden smirk. "Are you actually apologising to me? You?"

"Not if you're going to act like that, I'm not," you scoff about to walk away, but he hastily grabs your arm before you can.

"Hey, wait!" he lightly chuckles in amusement at your furrowed brows and lips turned sound slightly. "I was kidding, now what were you saying?"

"Seriously?" you deadpan, blinking. "You heard me the first time, I'm not saying it again."

"You know, I'm not quite sure I did actually," Jimin feigns ignorance, pretending to be deep in thought as he searches his memory.

You sigh deeply, thoroughly unamused. "I said," you hiss through clenched teeth. "I'm sorry for pushing you into the pool. Happy?"

"Very," he grins, slinging an arm around you as you both make your way to the group who seem to be having a discussion. You don't even register the natural way in which Jimin performs the gesture for a good few seconds. However, when you do realise, your stomach does a leap and you swallow harshly. "What are you guys talking about?"

Namjoon looks at Jimin to answer him, the corner of his mouth twitching at the sight of you for such a split second that you almost miss it. "We're going to the beach, are you coming?"

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