Part 7

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You follow Jimin to his car, walking slightly behind him to avoid conversation.

When you get to his car he opens the door for you and you raise your eyebrows at his unexpectedly nice action.

When you get in his car, you ride in awkward silence.

Since you have nowhere to look and looking at Jimin isn't an option, you look down. You notice your legs are slightly chubbier than when you last looked which makes you frown.

"Y/n, why are you looking at your legs like that?" Jimin mutters, frowning slightly.

"What? Erm, it's nothing," you say, taken aback slightly by his voice which is tinged with annoyance. But you know from 14 years of knowing him that he probably won't let it go.

He raises an eyebrow at you expectedly, waiting for your answer.

"I just," you sigh, "realised I need to go the gym" you finish, laughing slightly, although the laughter doesn't reach your eyes and you regret saying anything at all since he knows your history.

"Y/n, no you can't think like this again," he says worriedly, remembering how insecure you had been when you were 17, and how that had affected your health, "listen to me."

You turn your head to look at him.

"Promise me you won't think like this again please? Or at least talk to someone if not me," he pleads, "Don't let it get that bad again. You're beautiful. You need to remember that okay?"

"Y-yeah. I promise," you say quietly, "just don't tell Chaeyoung. Honestly, I'm fine now it was just a random thought."

"It's fine," he smiles at you, "I believe you. But I better see you eating whenever I'm in the cafeteria, okay?"

You nod your head and let out a quiet laugh.

"Oh, we're here," you notice that Jimin has parked outside your dorm building, "Thanks for the ride," you mumble and give him a small smile.

"No problem," he replies.

As you get out, you don't look back at him. You're too scared you'll do something awkward like wave at him. You shudder internally at the thought of that.


"So, how was your date with Yoongi?" You ask Chaeyoung with a sly smile.

"Well you would know, wouldn't you?" She replies whilst laughing. "You didn't really think we wouldn't see you behind the plant, did you?" She deadpans.

You give her a sheepish smile. "It's only tradition though isn't it? At least now I know Yoongi isn't a creep."

"You already knew he wasn't a creep," she rolls her eyes, "But it went really well," she blushes and looks down at her salad.

After you squeal for a few minutes about how cute they were, you laugh at her getting embarrassed.

"I'm a bit offended though," she says with an evil smirk, "that you didn't tell me you were on a date with Jimin."

You stop laughing.

"What?" You ask in confusion, "What date are you talking about...?"

"You know," she says in a casual voice, "on the same night me and Yoongi had our date. When you were practically groping him from behind."

You almost choke on air.

"Ok first of all, NO." You make clear, "Second, ew. Third, he was there spying on Yoongi! We were not on a date. And I tripped and fell on him when I was trying to look at you."

"Yeah, yeah I know. I was just teasing," she grins at you, "but you guys were really cute. Just saying though, I don't think Jimin minded you basically hugging him. In fact he looked kind of pleased."

You glare at her.

"Ok. That. Is enough talk. About Jimin," you hiss, "I can only talk about him for limited amounts of time before getting a migraine."

"Sorry," she laughs, holding her hands up in surrender, "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Jimin's brother is coming to visit him tomorrow. Yoongi said we're all going to meet him at the diner across the street."

"Erm, what does that have to do with me," you look at her.

"Y/n," she rolls her eyes, "you know they're expecting you to come. You can't weasel your way out of another social situation. You're coming. Yoongi said the boys asked to make sure you are," she gives you a stern look.

"Ok, mother," you laugh.

When you look up, you see Jimin over Chaeyoung's shoulder, sitting near the other end of the cafeteria with the rest of the boys. You get momentarily distracted watching him run his hands through his hair as he laughed, talking to Seokjin.


"What?" You blink, not realising Chae was calling your name.

"What were you looking at...?" She starts to turn around but you stop her.

"Nothing!" You say a little bit too loudly, "Erm, I was just zoning out, anyway what were you saying?"

As she continues to talk, you eat your sandwich, trying your hardest not to look at Jimin again.


Sorry about this boring chapter it's just a filler for the next few chapters😬
Either way, I hope you enjoyed it ☺️
Please ignore any mistakes since this is unedited😅 I love you alllll❤️❤️🖤🖤

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