Q&A Answers

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{A/n} This is the funniest and stupidest thing i have ever written


How did you and Y/n end up "hating" each other?

"The phrase 'each other' implies that it's a mutual feeling," Jimin points out, raising his eyebrows.

What's your opinion on Y/n?

"W-well," Jimin stutters, unsure how to answer. "I would have thought that it was quite obvious at this point," a rosy tinge presents itself onto the tops of Jimin's cheeks as he offers a nervous laugh.

Do you like Y/n?

Looking down at the device in his hands, Jimin shrugs, non-committal- although the colour of his cheeks says otherwise.

How would you feel if you found out Y/n liked you?

"Well, I certainly wouldn't be upset, that's for sure," Jimin mumbles, continuing to scroll through his phone.

How do you feel towards Jackson?

"Nice guy."

Who is the closest to you in your group?

"Er," Jimin ponders on this. "We're all pretty close, but I guess Taehyung."

"Awww," Taehyung smiles, looking up from his laptop, "bro that's adorable- "

"I'm the only one that puts up with his annoying antics." Jimin says, not missing a beat.

"And there goes the moment. Fuck you for real."

Let's date

"I- have you been reading this book?" Jimin asks incredulously. Shaking his head, he looks to his left as if there is a camera looking back at him.

"Even they know you're too much of a pussy," Yoongi snorts, sitting somewhere off to the side bringing forth a noise of indignation from Jimin and a cackle from Jeongguk.


Why're you so dumb?

You blink, re-reading the question.

"Excuse m-"

Out of nowhere, Seokjin bursts into the frame, stumbling as he rushes forward to stand in front of you and glares at the offender.

"Say that again, wench."

Why did you hate Jimin in the past?

"You know, Chaeyoung..." You trail off, finger on chin.


Sighing, you respond. "I could have sworn I mentioned this before."

"Yeah you did, it was in the first chapter." She nods, confirming.

"Well, there you have it," you shrug.

How did you meet Jimin?

"It wasn't really a meeting," you scrunch up your nose at the memory. "We were in elementary school and it was the first day. Naturally, I came bounding into the classroom, excited. And then I get tripped by none other than Park Jimin. He claims it was an accident," you lower your voice at the last sentence.

"Hey!" Jimin interrupts, turning around on his swivel chair. "It was an accident! Plus, we were, like, six years old."

"I'm not still mad about it. Whatever," You purse your lips.

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