Part 2

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"And then he said, 'If anyone is gonna get in it's you.' Like, what does that even mea-" You gasp, "Do you think he's planning something?! What if he's found a way to sabotage my application?"

"Mmmhmm, sure," Chaeyoung says as she sips on banana milk, her gaze fixed on something else. You follow her gaze and your eyes land on Yoongi, one of Jimin's friends.

You roll your eyes at her, seeing as you're used to her staring at him everyday.

"Chae, why don't you just talk to him already? You both stare at each other enough for it to be slightly disturbing. You might as well make it official."

As if on cue, Yoongi turns his head to look at her which makes her blush and turn to you pretending to be in deep conversation. You catch Hoseok's eye, also one of Jimin's friends who you get along with, and the two of you struggle to hold in your laughter. The two of them were so obvious.

"I don't stare at him," Chaeyoung scoffs, scrolling through her phone. "I just... appreciate his features."

"Yeah, well it looks like he's coming over here to appreciate your features too."

She drops her phone.

Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin, along with the rest of their group including Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung and Jungkook, make their way to your table. 

"Hey, guys. Hey Yoongi," You and the boys snigger watching Yoongi and Chaeyoung pointedly look anywhere but each other.

"Hey Y/n, hey Chae. Erm, I just wanted to ask if you had the chapter...5, yeah the chapter 5 notes from class " Yoongi says as they're both in the same engineering class, trying to look as indifferent as possible.

Seokjin decides that after watching this for over a year, he's had enough and pipes up, "Oh my God, can you guys get together already?! The sexual tension is so thick, I'm literally suffocating."

This sends you and the six boys into fits of laughter as Chaeyoung turns as red as her converse and Yoongi chokes on air.

Whilst the six boys are struggling to breathe you notice how Jimin flings himself onto the nearest human as he laughs, a cute habit you've noticed many times in the 14 years you've known him.

Chaeyoung, who it seems has momentarily recovered from her embarrassment, sees you looking at Jimin and nudges you. You see the evil smirk on your face and you immediately panic as you know nothing good ever comes from that.

"What about the sexual tension between Y/n and Jimin?" She says loudly, trying to turn the attention away from herself.

Everyone stops laughing. The boys all looked shocked at the fact that your best friend was brave enough to say this, as everyone knows how defensive you get when someone suggests you and Jimin should be involved in any other way other than rivals; which, now that you think about it, actually happens quite a lot.

You glare at Chaeyoung who slightly shrinks in her seat realising what she just said.

"Me and Jimin?" You grit out. "Yeah, like that's ever going to happen."

Jimin frowns and when he turns to you with narrowed eyes and a slightly annoyed expression, he scoffs. "It's not like I'd ever wanna sleep with Y/n either."

Out of the corner of your eye you see the boys turn their heads from you and Jimin as if in the middle of a tennis match.

You raise an eyebrow, "Who said anything about sleeping with me, Park? What, is my body that appealing to you that its on your mind all day? Keeps you awake at night?"

Jimin gets angrier at the sarcasm in your voice and says "Like hell it is, you're not even my type!"

"As if you're my type!" You stand up, getting even more annoyed.

"Actually," Chaeyoung intervenes, "Jimin does kind of fit your ideal type."

"Shut up, Chae!"

"Yeah, and Y/n is technically the type of girl you'd go for, Jimin," Taehyung adds.

"Shut it, Taehyung," Jimin says, through gritted teeth.

"Quick," Jungkook whispers to Namjoon, "separate them before they kill each other."

"And us," mutters Hoseok.

You grab Chaeyoung's wrist and yank her out of her seat, ignoring her noises of protest.

"You're so damn annoying, it's no wonder you're single." You hiss to Jimin.

"Y/n," Jimin smirks, "I think we both know I could get a girlfriend if I wanted to. Not all of us are antisocial people who would rather stay in their room reading all night rather than actually going out."

You ignore him because it's true.

"Don't listen to him Y/n," Namjoon says, trying to make you feel better, "some guys are into that!" He fails.

"Whatever, we're leaving." You say.

"We are?" Chaeyoung says, disappointed because it means that she won't be able to stare at Yoongi.

"Yeah, we might need to go to the nurse," You reply, "I think i'm having an allergic reaction."

"Really?" Yoongi asks, clearly confused, "To what?"


And with that you turn on your heel, dragging Chaeyoung with you to the library and glaring at anyone who looks at you.


Here's another chapter😅. It's shorter than i wanted but i'm too sick to write anything else :( Also this is very unedited and not that great sorryyy. Please ignore any mistakes, I'm new to this.❤️😅

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