Part 8

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"Do I have to go?" You whine to Chaeyoung as she drags you across the street on the way to the restaurant. "What if Jimin's brother is just as much of an asshole as Jimin is?"

"Y/n," She rolls her eyes at you, "you're the only one that thinks Jimin is an asshole!"

"Yeah, well he is to me!"

She stares at you.

"Ok, fine he's a.. nice... person," you admit, "but that doesn't mean I hate him any less."

"But Y/n," Chaeyoung groans, "I don't care that i've been saying this for, like, 4 years, but you and Jimin would literally be so good together."

You just ignore her.

"Fine," she pouts, "give me the silent treatment then. It's not like I care," she mumbles.

You crack a smile at her cuteness and elbow her to make her laugh too.

When you reach the restaurant, Chaeyoung immediately spots the boys and you walk over to them.

You see that there's an older male sitting with them.

A very attractive older male.

He looks around two years older than the rest of you with dark brown hair styled naturally to the side and sharp features, softened by his large, brown eyes.


Is this what Jimin's going to look like in a few years time?

Wait. Pfft. It's not like you even care.

Your thoughts are interrupted by Chaeyoung nudging you and smirking as she catches you staring at, who you presume to be, Jimin's older brother.

You glare at her, but quickly change your expression when you hear your name being called.

"Y/n, Chae!" Jimin calls, "come and meet my brother."

The two of you go over to their table and Jimin's brother gives you a small smile.

"Hi, my name's Youngjin," he smiles, "it's nice to meet you. I'm guessing you're Y/n and Chaeyoung?" He asks

You both nod and greet him back.

Chaeyoung goes to sit next to Yoongi and you sit in the remaining seat in between Youngjin and Jimin.

"So are you close friends with Jimin?" Youngjin asks you when you're sat down.

"Erm," you hesitate, "we've known each other since high school, yes," you deflect the question.

"Yeah, I remember you from high school!" He chuckles, "you were the one girl who always rivalled Jimin!"

You awkwardly laugh at his memories of you.

"Did he ever tell you," he leans down to whisper in your ear so that Jimin doesn't hear, "he had a huge crush on you when you guys were around the age of, like, 14."

Your eyes widen as you struggle to form words.

"Wait, really?!" You say once you finally get over the shock.

"Yeah, he wouldn't go a day without talking about you back then," he laughs and thankfully Jimin doesn't hear.

He does however raise an eyebrow when he sees how close Youngjin is to you and with a blank expression, he goes back to talking with Namjoon.

You continue to drill Youngjin about the crush thing.

"Honestly Y/n," he says, amused, "I don't know if he does still have a crush on you. This was back in high school. I guess you'll just have to ask him," he shrugs.

You let it go when the waiter comes to take your orders.

Whilst waiting for the food to arrive, you start talking more to Youngjin who tells you how he's visiting for the week, taking a break from his work. You also find out that he works in Scientific field, which you get into a conversation about seeing as it's something you love as well.

Out of your peripheral vision you see Jimin glancing over every time you laugh at something Youngjin says or when he subtly flirts with you.

Every time he looks over, he has a slight frown on his face and his jaw is tensed as if he's irritated.

Although you know that nothing will come of you and Youngjin, this doesn't stop you from a bit of harmless flirting.

Once the food comes you all start eating and Youngjin starts to talk to Yoongi, who's across the table from him.

As you're eating, you notice Jimin isn't smiling. In fact he looks kind of annoyed.

"Jimin..." You trail off, "uh, are you okay...?" You ask, confused.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asks coldly.

"Right, okay, I was just checking," you mumble, "there's no need to be rude about it."

He sighs, regretting his tone. Just as he's about to apologise, you start talking to Chae which doesn't give him the chance to.

You pointedly ignore him for the rest of the evening.

When it's time for everyone to go, you all say bye to Youngjin first as he's about to go to a hotel.

After everyone says goodbye, you hug him last. Although there isn't anything in the hug apart from platonic feelings, you can feel Jimin's glare on your back.

"I'll see you around, guys," he smiles at you all.

"Text me if you need anything whilst you're here," you say to him. He had exchanged numbers with all of you over dinner.

Just as he's about to reply, Jimin cuts him off, "If he needs anything, he can just ask me," he says irritably.

When Jimin goes to the car, since he's dropping Youngjin off at the hotel, Youngjin turns to you and raises his eyebrows, making you laugh.

You say your goodbyes again and then make your way home with Chaeyoung.

"What was that all about?" Chaeyoung says in the car, referring to Jimin's odd behaviour. You think she's hiding a small smile, but you can't be sure in the dark, seeing as it's around 10 pm.

"I don't know," you sigh, "Jimin's going to be seeing Youngjin all week so I don't understand why he got so annoyed that I was getting to know him."

"Wait, you think he's annoyed because he didn't get to talk to Youngjin?" Chaeyoung asks, incredulously.

"I mean, yeah," you say confused, "why else?"

"Wow, Y/n," she shakes her head, "for someone who's had perfect grades all her life, you really can be quite dense."

You're about to ask her what she means, but you get distracted by a notification from your phone telling you that your Wattpad book has been updated.

Whilst reading the update, you absent mindedly ask her, "Why am I dense?"

"Don't worry," she sighs, "I'll leave that for you to find out," she laughs at your obliviousness.

"Okay," you raise an eyebrow, "you're not being weird at all. I'm just gonna do what I do best and ignore you," you laugh.

Although something in you can't help but wonder, why did Jimin get so annoyed...?


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! There's finally something interesting happening for once lol😂 Please ignore any mistakes as this is unedited😅. I love you all, thank you so much for all the support❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤(also do you know how many times I almost wrote Youngjae. my inner aghase was coming out)

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