Part 16

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Lol trying to write with Starbucks_13__ (go follow if you're into 1D ;) hint hint). We kept getting distracted listening to One Man Army by SWS and laughing at random stuff (sorry jenniveveL for being annoying all day😅) Send help.
Anyways, enjoy the chapter❤️

Anyways, enjoy the chapter❤️

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"If you poke me with that torture device one more time, I'm going to shove it u-"

"Ji-Eun, calm down, it's just a mascara wand," Chaeyoung sighs for what it feels like the 500th time that night.

"It's not just a mascara wand if it causes me physical pain," Ji-Eun argues.

"I agree," you pipe up, having previously been abused by Chaeyoung's mascara wand just half an hour ago, "I also don't understand why we have to do so much getting ready for this party. Why can't we just wear jeans," you flop back onto the bed, ignoring Chaeyoung's shouts of protest as she doesn't want you to mess up your hair or makeup.

"Y/n, I know you haven't ever been to a party, but really?" She looks at you in exasperation, "Jeans?"

"Well, I wouldn't know, would I?" You mumble.

"Plus," Ji-Eun adds, "I thought people were too drunk at these things anyway. They won't notice what we're wearing."

"She makes a fair point," you raise your eyebrows, looking up at Chaeyoung who rolls her eyes at both of you and continues to finish Ji-Eun's makeup.

"Done!" Chaeyoung gets up, pulling Ji-Eun to the mirror with her.

"What do you think?" Asks Chaeyoung.

"I look the same, but like, less boring," she marvels at her reflection, smiling.

"I told you it would look nice," Chae grins, "your reaction was much more exciting than Y/n's when I did her makeup for the first time in high school. She just shrugged, washed the makeup off and refused to come to the party," she gives you a pointed look.

"Well," you defend weakly, "I'm coming to this one aren't I?"

"Yeah, about 5 years too late." She looks at you, with a reprimanding expression as if you've broken some sort of rule by never going to a party.

"In our defence," Ji-Eun comes to your rescue, and you smile, "we've never gone to a party, but we still managed to get boyfriends. Or in Y/n's case she has Jimin."

"Wh- Ji-Eun!" You swat at her arm after hearing her backhanded comment, the smile on your face quickly wiped away.

"I don't hear you denying it," she says in a sing song voice and Chaeyoung snorts.

"When did you get so confident?" You narrow your eyes at her, "I think Taehyung's attitude is rubbing off on you."

"I bet that's not the only thing he's rubbed off on her," Chaeyoung utters, causing the two of you to burst out into hysterics as Ji-Eun just puts her face in her hands in resignation at the two of you.

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