Part 21

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"honestly its been a while i miss her can she come back" - stockholmxstoran 2k18

i mean she was technically never gone but SHeS BacK. and by "she" i mean this mess of a book


You refuse to admit that the numerous times you stayed awake deep into the night to study for tests was the reason you were currently under your covers, sniffling and ignoring the fact you could no longer feel your nose- the reason for this evidenced in the form of tissues strewn across a small area on the floor next to your bed.

You ignore your phone which rings from your bedside table and most definitely does not lessen your pounding headache. This seems to be a mistake as less than a minute later you hear a voice outside your door combined with the noise of sharp knocks against the door.

"Y/N, OPEN THE DOOR. I HAVE SOUP," you have enough consciousness to be able to tell that Chaeyoung is back.

"Coming," you call back, voice weak from coughing, "what took you so long?"

You open the door with half shut eyes so you don't even see Chaeyoung, but it's obvious that it's her and you're just way too tired to do anything but fall back into your bed.

"Making soup took a bit, uh, longer than expected," she sounds exhausted and if you heard correctly, it sounded as if there was annoyance in her tone- she never was one for cooking.

"Well, come on! Get up and eat. You've been in bed all day," she gently shakes your shoulder and you shrug her off.

"Nooooo. I look and feel like an old, withered rag," your scratchy voice can barely be heard.

"That's a lovely image there, Y/n," Chaeyoung comments. Her voice sounds slightly different, however.


That's not Chaeyoung.

"Seokjin, what are you doing in my room?" You peek your eyes over your covers to see him and Chaeyoung aren't alone.

"We came to give you the soup!" Jeongguk grins proudly. "Y'know, seeing as we helped."

"Aww," you croak out, managing a smile, "thank you, that's so cute."

"Erm," Jin intervenes, holding up a finger, "I'd like to correct that sentence. Jeongguk, Chaeyoung and Jimin helped me. Taehyung stirred the pot once, Yoongi was asleep, and Hoseok and Namjoon were watching TV."
You crack one eye open to see him giving said people disapproving looks.

"Okay, thank you to Jeongguk, Chae and you, Jin," you attempt to sit up in your bed after Chaeyoung's gentle pleads.

"And Jimin," Seokjin adds.

"Hm?" You mutter, barely audible, lifting your head from your cushion perched on your knees.

You almost do a double take

What was Jimin doing in your room?

"I'll go warm the soup up," He calmly takes a container out of the bag which sits on your desk.

"Wait, what's he doing here?" Even through your sickness you muster enough venom in your voice to make it clear that you don't want him here.

He just rolls his eyes and makes his way to the kitchen.

"D-did he...did he just ignore me?" You turn to your friends, completely stunned, and look at them as if they have the answer. "How is he going to just waltz right into my room acting like nothing happened when he's been such a prick lately?" Your grip tightens on your bedsheets and you seethe pathetically from under your covers.

"He helped with the soup, you know," Yoongi says, corners of his mouth lifting in a smile as if to say 'please don't kill each other today, we're sick of it'.

"He didn't even say sorry," you splutter, struggling to form words at this point.

"Take his apology in the form of soup," Seokjin shrugs and once he sees your look of disgust he raises his arms in defence, "what?! It's true, he helped a lot!"

"Yeah and he probably poisoned it when you weren't looking."

"Right, okay then, moving on," Taehyung gets up from his seat on the end of your bed,"me and Jeongguk have got to go, our movies starting." He makes his way to the door, yawning.

"I don't know why you're so tired. You didn't even do anything," Jeongguk reprimands him with a shake of his head.

"Hey, I stirred the soup!" His weak defence makes you, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi laugh. As if on cue, Jimin walks out with the bowl of soup and a spoon. His eyes briefly look up to Taehyung and Jeongguk before his gaze falls back onto the bowl of soup which he's stirring with a spoon meticulously.

"I'd hug you goodbye, but I don't really want to get ill," Taehyung explains and you chuckle at him, telling him to go watch his movie and him and Jeongguk wave goodbye to you as they bundle out the door.

"Here," Jimin sets down the bowl on your bedside table, "careful, it's hot."

"Hm," you refuse to look anywhere but your duvet.

Instead of being deep in conversation like they normally are, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Chae are all awkwardly sitting in your room not knowing what to say (with the exception of Seokjin who is playing piano tiles on his phone; he's clearly used to these situations and seems to be absolutely done). It looks as if the tension is obvious.

"Anyway, I've got to go as well," Jimin grabs his rucksack, but before he leaves, he turns to you and asks, "by the way how are you getting there next week?"

"Getting where?" You question him impatiently looking at him as if he's stupid.

Jimin returns the look and talks to you as if you're a five year old. "The internship, Y/n."

"Oh. Right. I'm taking a bus probably," wondering why he's asking you this, your eyes are still fixated on the same point on your bed, not wanting to look at him.

"Forget it, I'm giving you a ride. I'll pick you up in the morning," he says, finality clear in his tone.

And then he walks out of the door.

"What the heck just happened?" You day after a good minute.

"Don't know what you mean," Hoseok shrugs, avoiding eye contact.

"Eat your soup before it gets too cold," Seokjin warns you, bringing the bowl to your hands.

Once your grip is secure, he lets go and grabs the spoon, shoving a spoonful of chicken soup into your mouth before you can ask anymore questions.

Sorry it's been so long 😅😅
I've just been catching up on sleep and finding a summer job lol
Also thank you so much for over 50k reads i️ honestly am so confused as to why skdkfkg
Love you guys 💖💖💖

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