Part 25

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"This is gonna be the best few weeks away, I can feel it," Chaeyoung sighs contentedly as she flings herself onto the King Sized bed that the two of you are sharing.

"I mean," you join her on the bed, perching on the end of it. "Hoseok's summer house is pretty cool, I have to admit."

"I still can't believe you tried to bring your homework," Chaeyoung mutters in disbelief as she throws you a withering look.

"In my defence-"

"In your defence," Taehyung interrupts, bursting into the room with Ji-Eun and Jeongguk before plopping himself down onto the floor. "You have no argument and you're not allowed to do any work this break."

"All in favour, say 'aye'," Jeongguk proclaims, joining Taehyung on the floor.

"Aye," you hear three voices shout out, only to dissolve into laughter at your expense.

"You guys are being dramatic," you whine, flopping backwards into the duvet. "Wait, where's Jimin? And the others?" you catch yourself, quickly, but not soon enough.


"Ohhh, someone's eager to know where Jimin is," Chaeyoung cackles, poking your sides and making you squirm.

Ignoring Taehyung, Jeongguk and Ji-Eun's teasing remarks, you sit up and glare at Chaeyoung. "I was purely asking where the others are out of curiosity and nothing else," you insist, despite the fact that you did ask for Jimin.

"Of course you were," Ji-Eu nods, holding back a smile. "And they're downstairs checking out the pool."

Chaeyoung jumps up, startling you. "There's a pool?"

"I do believe that's what Ji-Eun just said," Taehyung confirms, nodding as he stands up. "We were just about to go there. We came to get you guys."

"Well," Chaeyoung looks at everyone expectantly. "What are we waiting for? Go get changed!" she ushers the other three out of the room before shutting it and turning to you.

"Please tell me you actually brought a swimsuit along with you," she sighs, already expecting the worst.

Rolling your eyes, you walk over to your suitcase and pull out a plain black one-piece that you bought last minute from some random store.

"I came prepared!" you hold it up proudly, smiling when Chaeyoung doesn't frown in disapproval.

"Not bad," she regards it with a smirk, going into the bathroom, grabbing her own. "Get changed quickly so we can go downstairs!"

As she shuts the door, you quickly change into the swimsuit and tie your hair up to get it out of your face as you stand in front of the mirror. At that moment, Chaeyoung decides to walk out, immediately halting when she sees you.

"Oh my god," her eyes become wide as she voices your exact thoughts. "I don't think anyone has seen you in anything other than sweatpants and hoodies for a solid three months."

"Even I haven't," you snort, looking yourself up and down swiftly before walking away. "Are we ready to leave?"

She nods in confirmation and you make your way downstairs.

Not having had the chance to see it yet, the two of you walk outside to the pool and soon find yourselves open-mouthed in awe.

"Woah," your eyes widen in surprise at the size of the pool, "it's huge."

"That's what she s-" Jimin starts but is cut off by you whipping around and covering his mouth with your hand.

"Jimin, don't you dare finish that sentence," you warn, trying your hardest not to crack a smile as he rolls his eyes, taking a step back.

"What are you gonna do about it- Oh," he exhales, cutting himself off this time once he takes in what you're wearing, seemingly lost for words as his eyes trail quickly down your body and back up just as fast to meet your own.

Blinking, he doesn't say anything for a few moments whilst you stand there, motionless and utterly confused. And then suddenly he blurts out, "Uh, I have to go and help Taehyung with something."

And just like that, he's gone.

Chaeyoung, who apparently saw this whole ordeal take place just whistles lowly.

"What just happened?" you frown, asking her.

Placing her hands on her hips and tilting her head, she struggles not to laugh. "I think you've ruined him."

"O-oh, that's not ideal," you mutter, raising your eyebrows and Chaeyoung impatiently grabs your arm to drag you away from where you're stood. 

"It was bound to happen sooner or later," she laughs as you make your way to where the others are stood. Then, leaning in closer, she whispers, "and I'm expecting some other things to be happening during this trip too." She smirks.

You stare.

When she doesn't elaborate, you say under your breath so that the others around you can't hear, "Uh, what kind of... things?" 

"Really, Y/n?" she deadpans, making you cower under her stare. "I mean things between you and Jimin, you idiot!" 

"Oh," you swallow, meeting her gaze again. "Well that's not something I can really do anything about," you shrug, brushing off even the thought of Jimin, your indifferent demeanor contrasting your racing heart as you see him from the corner of your eye. He's just existing and it does nothing to calm your nerves.

"Unless, of course, you decide to just jump him one day, I mean that's doing something and you never know it could work-" 

"Chae!" you screech and she starts to run whilst you try and grab onto any limb of hers that you can use as a tool to throw her into the pool as a well-deserved punishment, in your opinion. 

Pushing past Namjoon and Hoseok and ignoring their noises of protests, you're about to push Chaeyoung straight into the water. 

Unfortunately, the universe decides to fuck you over as usual, resulting in Chaeyoung moving out the way.

As a consequence of this, you lunge forward and fall into the person that was behind her, who just so happens to be Jimin. 

As your hands push against his shoulders before you can stop yourself, he gasps, stumbles and then flails, clutching the hands that pushed him and ultimately pulls you into the pool with him. 

So, naturally, you both act on impulse and hold onto each other like a lifeline as you fall into the water. 

{A/N} Hello!!!! It's been so long I'm sorry : ( I promise updates will be a little more regular than this ksksdjsdkd


ily guys so much :,) 

Just a heads up that this book will most likely be the only thing I have on this account and after this I'll be uploading onto baselinecult <3

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